
Environmental Struggle Day in Rojava

Revolutionary Communist Movement, 
Environmental Struggle Day in Rojava

The Revolutionary Communist Movement (TKŞ), the Revolutionary Communist Women (JKŞ) and the Revolutionary Communist Youth (CKŞ) organized a rally in the city of Hesekê on the occasion of the Environmental Struggle Day on 9 December. At the rally in front of the TKŞ center, Ehmed Xidir read a statement in which he pointed out the impending environmental catastrophe and its consequences for all living beings on the planet. Theresponsibility for accelerating climate change lies in the logic of capitalism and the profit mania of the imperialist monopolies. In a critique of the COP28 in Dubai, Xidir pointed out the damage caused by the use of fuels, which is promoted by the capitalist system regardless of its consequences. Imperialism is attempting nothing more than stalling tactics and distortion of the facts through greenwashing and the "green economy" or Green New Deals. Such approaches also serve to integrate militant environmental movements.Xidir went on to say about the imperialists: "The world has crossed irreversible thresholds due to their profit-oriented policies. The reasons for this are not a lack of knowledge or technical incompetence. There is a significant difference in lifestyle and worldview.On December 9, Xidir said: "Thousands of people who love and defend nature are on the streets all over the world. As communists of Rojava, North and East Syria, we raise our voice against the global environmental destruction and catastrophe and are part of the revolt for nature. The solution to this crisis is the overthrow of the capitalist exploitative order. Because capitalism is hostile to nature and people. Let us act without wasting time to win a world worth living in. Let's save the world together from capitalist destruction and global ecological catastrophe. This world belongs to us."The capitalists are taking eyewash measures to exacerbate the climate crisis, further expanding their capital at the expense of the destruction of the world.Rojava is under particular attack from the bourgeois Turkish state. Regarding Turkey's colonial policy, Xidir said: "Look at Afrin, the Turkish state and its gangs are cutting down our olive trees in our occupied territories first. Because they only see the green of money when they look at the tree. They turn the water into a threat for their occupation policy and cut off the water of the Euphrates and Tigris."Regarding December 9, Xidir said: "Thousands of people who love and defend nature are on the streets all over the world. As communists of Rojava, North and East Syria, we raise our voice against the global environmental destruction and catastrophe and are part of the revolt for nature. The solution to this crisis is the overthrow of the capitalist exploitative order. Because capitalism is hostile to nature and human. Let us act without wasting time to win a world worth living in. Let's save the world together from capitalist destruction and global ecological catastrophe. This world belongs to us."