Society-changing environmental struggle necessary
There were militant activities in the form of information stands, rallies and demonstrations in at least 30 cities in Germany during the International Day of Environmental Struggle. Various organizations, the environmental trade union and the MLPD took the initiative to unite forces from the environmental, labour and peace movements.
The environmental clear-cutting of the traffic light government, the disastrous course of the World Climate Conference in Dubai were massively criticized and a strategy debate on how to solve the global environmental catastrophe and the danger of war was held.
In Duisburg, Düsseldorf, Dortmund, Essen, Gelsenkirchen, Munich and Berlin, smaller demonstrations marched through city centers and residential areas and demonstrated against the main perpetrators of the global environmental catastrophe such as Thyssen, RAG, Bayer and Vattenfall. In Heilbronn, the rally denounced EnBW, which wants to replace a coal-fired power plant with a gas-fired power plant instead of relying on renewable energies.
In Stuttgart, over 100 people responded to the call for a broad unity of action by the ÖDP, the environmental trade union, the Last Generation, the MLPD and others. This is also the success of a strategy debate on saving the environment in the Workers' Education Centre on 17.11. between nine organizations. At the end there was a solidarity action for Moritz Riedacher from the "Last Generation", who was sentenced to four months in prison for repeated participation in street blockades.
In Gelsenkirchen, 60 participants accepted the invitation of a broad alliance of organizations and individuals. Lisa Gärtner, who was in Dubai, called on people to call a spade a spade. "A global environmental catastrophe has begun. ... This is not climate change, this is a climate catastrophe". The World Climate Conference is part of the problem, not the solution. "That's why we are happy that we have made 64 contacts from 40 countries for the United Front. They do not want to fight with the governments, but against them. In Darmstadt, 40 permanent participants attended the rally organized by a broad alliance ranging from local citizens' initiatives to the MLPD. The resistance against the destruction of the forest around Darmstadt by new roads and oversized railroad and streetcar lines was also discussed.
In Essen, MLPD party chairwoman Gabi Fechtner, co-author of the book "The global environmental catastrophe has begun!", picked up on its title and emphasized that a race against time has now begun, in which the question is whether capitalism will end humanity's existence with the environmental catastrophe that has begun or whether humanity can still eliminate capitalism in time, build a socialist society and carry out the necessary radical paradigm shift in order to avert the deadly maturation of the catastrophe.
Socialism, genuine socialism, should of course not simply be a new edition of the old socialism. The achievements in the construction of socialism in the former socialist countries must be recorded, conclusions must be drawn from the mistakes and weaknesses of that time in order to avoid them in the future.
The MLPD campaigned everywhere for genuine socialism as a solution to the global environmental catastrophe and sold the book "The global environmental catastrophe has begun". A whole series of books changed hands. The following report from Albstadt is representative of the in-depth, sometimes controversial debates: "You have to really get involved in the debate. My conversation partner agreed with me that capitalism has to go and that socialism would be good, while at the same time he represented the positions of lateral thinkers and climate deniers."
Shortly before the Environmental Campaign Day, the "Call for a strategy conference 2024 to save the foundations of human life" was published in Berlin on April 20/21, 2024. This was presented in many places and initial signatures were collected in support. Here you can find the appeal, information about the initiators and their names, the signature list and further information: Call for a 2024 strategy conference to save the foundations of human life
In Essen, a representative of the Monday demonstration movement spoke out against playing off social issues and growing poverty against environmental protection and invited people to join the fight with the Monday demonstration movement. Speakers from the environmental trade union attacked the AfD in many places, which denies the climate crisis and presents itself as the protest party of the little people while pursuing a thoroughly anti-working class policy. It is blocking the wealth tax and the increase in the citizens' income. They demanded "environmental protection at the expense of corporations and billionaires instead of a CO2 tax for the broad masses". And "We are called the environmental trade union because we are for the unity of the labor and environmental movements. We will not be played off against each other."
In Dortmund, the results of the International Miners' Conference were presented and a protest resolution was passed against the arbitrary dismissal without notice of potash and salt miner Julian Wächter.
Internationally, there were activities and protests in Nepal and Paris. In Dubai, 500 participants demonstrated on UN territory: they demanded that the promises made at the climate conferences be kept, a stop to land theft and gas extraction in Africa, the release of climate activists imprisoned in the Emirates and Egypt and a ceasefire in Gaza. It was forbidden to mention the names of monopolies, states or responsible persons.