What is happening on the green line?
The occupation of the fascist Turkish army continues in Cyprus. It has been 49 years since the occupation movement called "Peace Operation". The Turkish, Greek, Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot ruling classes have used and are using the 49-year occupation to further antagonize the peoples. Now Cyprus is back on the agenda. The road construction tension between the Turkish occupation forces and the UN "Peace Keeping Force", which is itself an instrument of the occupiers, is suddenly on the agenda.
The Turkish occupation forces want to build a road to the village of Pile on the Green Line under the control of the United Nations (UN)! Pile is a village where Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots have been living together as brothers and sisters for years in the UN zone called the Green Line since 1974. The Turkish occupation forces argue that the road will facilitate access to Pile village and improve the quality of life of the villagers! However, UN spokespersons claim that this would violate the Green Line established after 1974! There was tension between the Turkish occupation forces and the road construction team and the UN Peacekeeping Force soldiers who came to the area to prevent the road construction. UN vehicles deployed to the road construction area as an obstacle were forcibly removed from the road by the road construction vehicles. There was a scuffle between UN soldiers and Turkish soldiers. Not a gun was not drawn. The Turkish occupation forces claim that this is their right and accuse the UN of ignoring the will of the Turkish Cypriot people!They say that the road was built for humanitarian purposes, to make life easier for the people living in Pile.On the other hand, the representatives of the Administration, which is accepted as the legitimate representative of the whole of Cyprus in the international arena - except Turkey for the time being - which is actually the Administration of Southern Cyprus at the moment, say that the occupation forces in Northern Cyprus attacked the UN soldiers.They explain that the purpose of the so-called road construction is military, not humanitarian.
The Turkish occupation forces say that this is their right and accuse the UN of ignoring the will of the Turkish Cypriot people! They say that the road was built for humanitarian purposes, to make life easier for the people living in Pile.
On the other hand, the representatives of the Administration, which is accepted as the legitimate representative of the whole of Cyprus in the international arena - except Turkey for the time being - which is actually the Administration of Southern Cyprus at the moment, say that the occupation forces in Northern Cyprus attacked the UN soldiers.They explain that the purpose of the so-called road construction is military, not humanitarian.
Internationally, a statement of "condemnation" on behalf of the UN Security Council was blocked by Russia's veto. In response, the United Nations Mission in Cyprus (UNFICYP) announced that Turkish Cypriot forces had attacked UN "peacekeepers" trying to prevent the construction of a disputed road in the village of Pile in the buffer zone dividing the island.The EU, UK, France and the US issued messages of condemnation.UNFICYP warned the Turkish occupation forces against "unauthorized construction activities" in the buffer zone, saying "The United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus condemns this morning's attacks on UN Peacekeepers by Turkish Cypriot personnel and the damage caused to UN vehicles."
Where is Pile village?
Pile is a village located within the Green Line.The Green Line is the UN "Peace Keeping Force" controlled area in Cyprus that separates Southern Cyprus from the occupied area. Pile village is a village where both Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots live together. Pile village is located 12 km northeast of Larnaca, 3 km south of Beyarmudu village and 4 km from the southern coast of the island.
Background of the problem
Cyprus has been home to many civilizations.Before the Ottomans, the Venetians ruled Cyprus. Cyprus was occupied by the Ottomans in 1571. The Ottomans ruled the island for 307 years.In the Ottoman-Russian war in 1877-1878, the Ottomans were defeated.The Treaty of Ayastefanos (Yeşilköy) was signed.The Ottoman state leased Cyprus to British imperialism in 1878. The Ottoman Empire, which joined the war on the side of Germany in the First World War, was defeated. The British imperialists declared that Cyprus was their property and Cyprus was officially declared a "Royal Colony".
In the mid-1950s, a movement against colonial status began on the island, primarily among Greek Cypriots. Communists fought for the abolition of colonial status and the establishment of an independent Republic of Cyprus through mass actions. There were also chauvinistic Hellenic nationalist forces within the movement against colonialism.
Their program was actually "Taksim", which means "Enosis". Of course, there were also those who wanted to connect the whole of Cyprus to the Republic of Turkey by saying "Cyprus is Turkish and will remain Turkish".
But it was clear that this was not possible in the given international conjuncture.Likewise, the policy of connecting Cyprus as a whole to Greece was not realistic in the international environment of that day.But these were good tools used to antagonize the rights against each other. The rule of British imperialism in Cyprus lasted until 1960.As a result of the February 11 Zurich and February 16 London agreements, the Republic of Cyprus was established under the guarantees of three countries (Greece/Turkey/UK).
In 1963-1967, clashes broke out between Greeks and Turks.Mutual massacres were committed. During these conflicts, people of both nationalities were pitted against each other.Those who had lived together for years were forced to migrate.On July 15, 1974, the fascist clique of Sampson, led by the US, overthrew the elected President of the Republic of Cyprus, Archbishop Makarios, in a coup d'état.Taking advantage of the coup, the Turkish ruling classes invaded the north of Cyprus on July 20, 1974.
No to all imperialist solutions! Salvation is through revolution!
The Turkish occupation forces declared the Turkish Federated State of Cyprus on February 13, 1975.This declaration expressed the desire for a federal solution.Therefore, the founding declaration stated that the ultimate goal was a bi-zonal federation and unification with the Greek Cypriot community. On November 15, 1983, the federated state status was abandoned and the independent state of the "Turkish Republic of Cyprus" was declared.The colonial Turkish state claims that Northern Cyprus is a separate state! However, no country other than the Republic of Turkey recognizes this state.
The colonialist Turkish state occupies 38% of the territory of Cyprus.The attitude of the communists of Northern Kurdistan-Turkey is this:The colonialist Turkish army must get out of Cyprus. Greek Cypriots / Turkish Cypriots and national minorities must decide for themselves how to live. British bases must be confiscated and all foreign troops must leave Cyprus. Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean.
Due to its strategic location and the carbon deposits discovered in the Eastern Mediterranean, the imperialists and the reactionary countries of the region are engaged in a fierce struggle.Workers and working masses should better understand how the problem cannot be solved with this dogfight that has been going on for years.All developments have shown that the Cyprus problem cannot be solved by the imperialists and their henchmen.It is the revolution led by the working class of the working people of Cyprus from the Greek and Turkish nations and national minorities that will solve the Cyprus problem in the real sense.No to the socalled solutions of the imperialists and their henchmen!The real solution of Cyprus will be created by the peoples under the leadership of the proletariat.The working class and toiling peoples of Cyprus of different nationalities must unite in a common front of struggle against occupation, imperialism, the Greek and Turkish ruling classes.The peoples of Greece, Turkey and Cyprus of various nationalities must turn the guns against their own ruling classes.In every country the enemy is within.
Fascist Turkish army out of Cyprus!
All foreign troops out of Cyprus! The solution lies in the peoples' revolution!
August 21, 2023 Bolshewik Party Northern Kurdistan-Türkiye
(Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator)