A Moroccan experience in building a Leninist party
Introduction : Historical overview
1 - The history of Marxist-Leninist organization in Morocco dates back to the early twenties of the 20th century, when communist discussion circles began to be organized periodically between French workers in Moroccan factories and mines and their Moroccan counterparts . In this way, the workers' struggle began to draw its spirit from Marxist-Leninist revolutionary thought in the shadow of dispersed groups. This communist thought spread, notably among the workers of the phosphate mines in the town of Khouribga, then among the workers of the coal mines in the town of Jerada. This thinking had an immediate impact on union organizing and activist discipline over many years. workers' battles which achieved several victories during the forties and fifties of the 20th century, and as the subject evolved to form thought, the communist movement was a strong motivation for the struggle for independence of the Morocco under French protection. Leon Sultan succeeded in creating an open communist party in November 1943 and, after his death in 1945, Ali Yata succeeded him as party leader. In 1959, the Communist Party was banned by order of the king, under the pretext that it was contrary to Islam.
2 - Despite recourse to justice, which ruled that the Moroccan Communist Party was not in conflict with Islam and considered that this party had not declared itself against the Islamic religion, the government appealed The decision and ban was officially implemented during the year 1961, coinciding with the accession to the throne of Hassan II. The party only returned to legal work in 1969, but under the name "Party of Liberation and Socialism". The king refused to approve the party's return to work under the name "Communist Party", claiming that communism was synonymous with atheism. the party changed its name again in 1974 to Progress and Socialism.
3 - Parallel to the development of the Moroccan Communist Party, secret communist political organizations were formed in the 1950s, the most important of them being the “Main Noire” organization, founded by the two young men Hassan Al-Makkawi and Al-Mahdi Al Namoussi, in 1953, and a limited number of militants to acquire weapons and revolutionize the working class and the masses in order to liquidate the colonial agents and gain independence. But its affairs were soon exposed and its members were arrested during an arrest. operation in Casablanca.
4 - The “Black Hand” included young men, including Abdullah Al Hadawi, who would take over the organization after the arrest of its future leaders. Work was coordinated between him and Moroccan communists to continue the armed struggle, and they created a new armed resistance organization in March 1954. Abdullah Al-Hadawi, Al-Hassan Al-Kalawi, Abdul Karim Ben Abdullah, Abdullah Al-Ayashi , Tayeb Bakkali and other activists founded a new organization they called the “Black Crescent.” Tayeb El Bakkali was the firstborn of the group. He had participated in the communist networks of the French Resistance in the early 1940s. Al-Hadawi was the youngest of them: 17 years old, and it was he who suggested the name of the organization "Al-Hilal" . When it was created, the Black Crescent included independent fighters, Chourists, communists and non-partisans.
5 - The Black Crescent participated in several armed operations targeting the French presence and interests in Morocco, such as: eliminating the collaborators of colonialism or throwing bombs in the European city, like the one that exploded on rue de Paris in Casablanca, in no longer participated in the confrontation with Sidi Maarouf on September 28 and 29, 1955.
6 - Before the independence of Morocco, the organization announced its rejection of the Aix-Lebanon negotiations with the French colonialists, and in return insisted on the continuation of the armed struggle, which involved it in deep disagreements with certain leaders of the National movement, notably those belonging to the Independence Party.
7 - Due to the lack of understanding between its leaders and the leaders of the Istiqlal Party, most of the leaders of the Black Crescent will be assassinated successively, like Abdullah Al-Hadawi and three of his companions will be assassinated on July 28. 1956, by order of the Minister of the Interior, Idris Mohammadi. Omar Abdullah Al-Hadawi was 19 years old when he was murdered.
8 - On June 15, 1956, Hassan Al-Glawi was assassinated in the Louazis district of Casablanca, before his comrades Al-Zayani were assassinated on June 30, 1956, in Darb Al-Baladiya, by four individuals from the Secret Organization. , an organization affiliated with the Istiqlal party. All these assassinations led to the end of the Black Crescent Organization, because most of its leaders did not survive.
9 - In 1969, a number of young people from the Party of Liberation and Socialism saw that this party was more reactionary, revisionist and complacent with the tendencies of the monarchy, so they decided to separate from this party and create a revolutionary communist party. secretly under the name “Forward”, on August 30, 1970 the foundation took place.
In light of this foundation, the process of building the Revolutionary Party began under enemy fire, inspired by the philosophy of the party and the method of its construction from the Leninist heritage. the most important axes on which this construction was based:
The first axis: The Marxist-Leninist ideological basis of the “Forward” Organization
1 - The founding document of the “En Avant” Organization, under the title: “The masks have fallen, let us open the revolutionary path”, underlines the ideological importance of Marxism-Leninism in the face of the complex political situation in the country, characterized by his subjugation. , on the one hand, to a class struggle dominated by "the comprador oligarchy and the liberal bourgeoisie facing the working class and the poor masses in general", which in turn is subject to global imperial capitalism, notably French imperialism.
2 - On this basis, the organization called for building revolutionary structures in the light of Marxist-Leninist ideology in order to wage a people's war against imperialism and local forces of oppression. The party building strategy is based on the following fundamental Leninist principles:
3 - Democratic centralism: The party emphasizes the application of democratic centralism, which includes collective and central preparation from the bottom up and vice versa. This ensures that decisions are made collectively and that there is a fundamental integration of theory and practice within the party.
4 - Centralization of responsibilities: The emphasis is placed on centralization in terms of responsibilities within the party. Each member must strictly adhere to the principles of total confidentiality and be selected on the basis of concrete wrestling experience. This allows to maintain discipline and ensure that party activists devote themselves to the cause of serving the revolution.
5 - Criticism and self-criticism: The party encourages the continued practice of criticism and self-criticism among its members. This makes it possible to identify weaknesses, remedy them and improve the overall performance of the party.
6 - Collective Progress: The organization emphasizes the importance of collective progress within the party, and calls for the elimination of individualism and a deep understanding of the ideology of Marxism-Leninism.
The second axis: The strategy of the revolutionary party
1 - The “En Avant” Organization considered unity among party members and their dedication to serving the party’s principles as essential to the success of its strategy.
2 - In general, the organization's strategy focuses on building a disciplined, ideologically sound and unified revolutionary party, committed to the principles of Marxist-Leninist ideology and committed to leading the masses towards revolutionary change.
3 - The expression "the masks have fallen" in the founding document refers to a situation in which true intentions, identities or previously hidden facts are revealed. It suggests a moment of unmasking or unveiling, where pretenses, disguises or illusions are no longer maintained and the truth behind the facade is revealed.
4 - In the Moroccan context of the 1970s, the expression "the masks have fallen" refers to the revelation of the true nature of the bourgeois and political class in Morocco. This means the revelation of the ruling classes' deepest aspirations, motivations and actions that were previously hidden. The document highlights how the appearance of the bourgeoisie without its masks led to a better understanding of its exploitative nature and its disregard for the interests of the masses.
5 - The organization depicts the phenomenon of “falling of the masks” in Morocco in the 1970s by denouncing the manipulation of the people by the bourgeoisie and exploiting them to achieve its own gains. It also indicates a shift in perception as the true intentions and actions of the ruling classes that remained subject to French imperialism since gaining formal independence were revealed, prompting the organization to call for revolutionary change and the need to organize the masses against the oppression of the forces in power.
The third axis: The dialectic of building a revolutionary party in the midst of class struggle
During the summer of 1973, "En Avant" published the document "Let's build a revolutionary party under enemy fire", which remained the fundamental reference for all Moroccan Marxist-Leninist communists due to the clarity of the strategy of the organization in the construction of the revolutionary party, from which the following basic Leninist principles can be extracted:
First of all : Building roots among the masses:
1 - Target the working class: The document emphasizes that the party is a fusion between socialism and the working class, considering the latter as the fundamental force of the revolution, while recognizing its link with the Moroccan countryside and a large number of peasants . To organize the working class, we must:
2 - Organize factories: through unions, build worker movements within urban industries.
3 - Organize farmers in the Moroccan countryside: through the formation of agricultural cooperatives and groups of agricultural workers.
4 - Youth as vanguard: The organization considers youth as a crucial element of the revolution, and to achieve this objective, it is necessary:
5 - Organize schools and universities: by forming groups of revolutionary students to serve as future leaders.
6 - Ideological education: create spaces for discussion and disseminate Marxist-Leninist thought in schools, universities, bookstores, etc.
7 - Links between groups: In its document, the organization highlights the need for links between urban and rural groups, and between worker and peasant movements. This should include:
8 - Joint action: by coordinating protests and demonstrations to raise awareness on a larger scale and put pressure on the government.
9 – Build unity: by creating a broader “revolutionary front” that includes diverse groups.
Secondly : Strategic defense:
1 - Avoid open confrontation: The document proposes avoiding direct confrontations with the State which would lead to rapid and brutal repression. This is done through:
2 - Covert operations: carrying out political work in complete clandestinely to avoid being denounced and arrested.
3 - Small-scale actions: focus on smaller local political processes that are difficult to repress.
4 - Strengthen resilience: Focus on organizational security and communication methods to avoid infiltration.
5 – Use the “hammer and steel” metaphor: The document emphasizes the idea that even in light of setbacks and arrests, the movement can be strengthened. And that means:
6 - Maintain morale: maintaining motivation and confidence in the midst of oppression.
7 - Learn from mistakes: that is, analyze failures to improve strategies and tactics.
8 – Exploit opportunities: seize moments of weakness under government influence and deepen forms of propaganda, criticism and incitement.
Thirdly : Benefit from the media:
1 - “The collective organizer”: The document highlights the role of the clandestine newspaper “En Avant” as a tool for organizing and mobilizing the masses. This may include:
2 - Dissemination of ideological messages: dissemination of Marxist-Leninist ideas and criticism of the regime in place.
3 - Strengthening actions: calls for demonstrations, strikes and other forms of resistance.
4 - Building solidarity: connecting different groups and inspiring broader participation.
Fourth : Address the main challenges facing the organization:
1 - The regime of King Hassan II: This regime was cruel, combative and known for its repression of the opposition. The document recognizes the challenges of working in these conditions.
2 - Social and economic disparities: Morocco faces large disparities between the rich and the poor, between rural and urban populations, and between educated and uneducated populations. This presented challenges to building unity and overcoming class divisions.
3 - The division of the “theory of cadres”: The document criticizes the idea of isolation of cadres, which suggests the existence of internal conflicts within the movement. This division may have hindered unity and efficiency.
4 - In general, the strategy was probably a combination of:
5 - Progressive: build the movement slowly and steadily increase its base and influence.
6 - Opportunism: exploiting certain moments of government weakness.
7 - Ideological force: convince people of the validity of Marxist-Leninist ideas as a path to liberation.
The fourth axis: criticism and self-criticism
The construction by the Revolutionary Party of the “Forward” Organization does not constitute a work devoid of criticism and self-criticism as a necessary mechanism for the development of the organization. On the contrary, the self-criticism of the organization's members has been continuous since the organization's National Committee published the document. “Ten months of organizational struggle, criticism and self-criticism” from November 20, 1972, which can be a summary of its most important topics as follows:
1 - This long document is a critical self-report prepared by the National Committee of the Moroccan Marxist-Leninist Vanguard Organization and reflects the organization's ten-month struggle, its internal shortcomings and its journey towards transformation into a revolutionary party. The report is a complex and multifaceted analysis of the organization's political line, its organizational structure and its experiences with repression.
Below is a breakdown of the main points and topics:
First of all : Criticism of the organization’s past:
1 - Decentralization and spontaneity: The organization criticizes its previous use of decentralized structures and the concept of "revolutionary penetration", believing that this led to excessive spontaneity, the absence of central control and the failure of building a strong and unified vanguard.
2 - The petty-bourgeois structure: The report recognizes the structure of the petty-bourgeois organization and its struggle against elitist tendencies, the construction of networks and the mechanical understanding of the revolution.
3 - Neglecting the role of the vanguard: He criticizes the focus on the “one party” – including the masses – and the neglect of the role of the Marxist-Leninist vanguard in organization, leadership and construction of the revolutionary front.
4 - Liberal practices: The report highlights the presence of liberal behaviors, the absence of iron discipline and the inability to develop a strong secret apparatus, which contributed to exposure to repression.
Secondly : Lessons learned from the struggles of 1972:
1 - The uprisings of February and March 1972: The report praises the role of the organization in leading the mass struggles in 1972, but criticizes its inability to properly supervise and organize the movement, particularly with regard to the mobilization of workers and peasants.
2 - Repression and arrests: The document details the organization's experience in repression, and highlights the failures in building a solid secret structure and the weaknesses revealed by the arrests. It also highlights the importance of resisting torture and the need for strict political and ideological control to combat liberal practices.
3 - Organizational contraction: The report recognizes the contraction of the organization during the summer of 1972, due to a combination of repression, overestimation of the enemy and the absence of a strong central structure capable of operating in secret.
4 – The student movement: The report welcomes the growth of the student movement and the success of the revolutionary line within it, but is critical
the inability of the organization to provide full support and guide the development of the movement.
Thirdly : Towards the construction of a revolutionary party:
1 - The need for change: The report calls for a complete transformation of the organization, emphasizing the need to build a strong, centralized and mass-based revolutionary vanguard.
2 - Basic principles: The report explains the basic principles for building this revolutionary organization:
3 - Revolutionary Professionals: This is a core group of dedicated communists engaged in revolutionary struggle.
4 Proletarian leadership: Emphasize roots within the working class and the construction of a proletarian vanguard.
5 - Democratic centralism: the balance between democracy and centralization in the internal dynamics of the organization.
6 - Strong leadership: leadership capable of implementing the political line and ensuring unity.
7 - Strict Discipline: Commitment to revolutionary discipline at all levels.
8 - The correct political line: A line anchored in the Marxist-Leninist analysis of the Moroccan situation and aimed at leading the masses to people's war.
9 - Unity of Marxist-Leninists: Working for a unified Marxist-Leninist organization.
Fourth : Organizational decisions:
1 - Strengthening the National Committee: The report explains the steps necessary to strengthen the National Committee and its national leadership role.
2 - Internal bulletin: The organization publishes a confidential internal bulletin to strengthen unity and cohesion.
3 - Disciplinary measures: Many comrades were punished for committing various crimes, including factional practices and surrendering to the enemy.
4 - This document constitutes a critical self-examination carried out by the Moroccan avant-garde Marxist-Leninist Organization, which fought for
become a revolutionary force. It reflects the challenges of building a revolutionary party in an oppressive context and highlights the importance of a strong organization, a clear political line and a commitment to mass struggle. The report serves as a guide for the organization's future path, emphasizing the need to overcome past weaknesses and build a strong and effective vanguard capable of leading the Moroccan people towards revolution.
Since its creation, the organization has been subjected to a wave of fierce repression, persecution, arrests and torture, which led to the death of its National Secretary, comrade Abdellatif Zeroual, on November 14, 1974, and to that of comrade Saida Lemanabhi in 1977, then a second wave of rebellion and repression during the 1980s. While the Marxist-Leninist organizations emerging from the “Forward” Organization attempted to practice the same political work in a decentralized manner , in clandestinity and with the same organizational structures of struggle.
1 - The founding document “Down with the masks, let's open the revolutionary path” issued by the “En Avant” Organization on the day of its founding on August 30, 1970;
2 - The document “Dialectical unity for the construction of the revolutionary Party and the revolutionary organization of the masses” is a document published by the “En Avant” Organization on May 29, 1972;
3 - Document “On revolutionary strategy” published by the “En Avant” Organization on June 30, 1972;
4 - Document “Ten months of struggle and self-criticism of the Organization” published by the Organization “En Avant” on November 20, 1972;
5 - The document “Let’s build the revolutionary Party under enemy fire” is a document published by the “En Avant” Organization in the summer of 1973.