Country Reports
Kenya (Communist Party of Kenya)
In August 2022, Kenya held its general elections in which CPK managed to win two regional assembly seats in two different regions. At the national level, CPK was part of a broad coalition that campaigned on a class and pro-masses propaganda, but which was not revolutionary in itself. This coalition unexpectedly won the Presidential elections and immediately sidelined the progressive parties within the coalition. CPK is under no illusion that bourgeoise elections can bring any revolutionary change. However, the Party successfully used the elections to 1) expose the contradictions and the falsehoods of the ruling class and capitalism; 2) to popularise CPK and communism amongst the working class and the masses; 3) to learn from the masses and 4) to measure their consciousness.
In April and May 2024, Kenya experienced the worst floods in recent history. The floods led to the death of hundreds of people and left thousands homelessness particularly from the slums and rural areas. Roads were cut off while food crops and property were destroyed. This environmental catastrophe (which CPK had warned about at its National Congress held just two months earlier before the floods) disproportionately affected the working class and urban poor who never received any assistance from the government. These floods happened at a time when CPK was hosting the ICOR Africa conference in Nairobi, and the participants, including the Africa and International ICOR coordinators were able to visit the worst affected areas and offer condolences and solidarity. Upon return to Germany, ICOR was able to mobilise significant solidarity for the flood victims which went a long way in helping them to buy food, water, sanitary provisions, beddings and other basic necessities that the victims were in dire need of, and they were truly and greatly grateful!
Unfortunately, after the floods, instead of the government relocating those affected and those who lived close to the rivers to better houses, the security forces were sent to demolish the remaining houses and to violently evict those who lived near the rivers. The rich who live close to the rivers were never evicted or disturbed by the government, yet their houses were not only affected but also interfered with the natural course of the rivers…a clear confirmation that the owning class will always protect and advance their class interests even in times of national/global environmental disasters and crisis!
In the month of June 2024, youths from across the Country held the biggest demonstrations in the post-colonial history of Kenya. These demonstrations culminated with the occupation of Kenya’s Parliament on 25th June 2024. The youth, largely from working class and urban poor neighbourhoods were demonstrating against failed campaign promises, rising cost of living, high taxation, corruption, opulence and wastefulness from government officials which the President William Ruto government had promised to resolve during his campaigns in 2022, but instead made worse barely two years after he was elected.
Though spontaneous in nature, the demonstrations attracted hundreds of thousands, perhaps over a million protesters (in a country where a demonstration of 1000 people is considered huge!). Close to 60 youths were shot and killed by security forces, and many were left with permanent injuries. As a result of the protests, the President was forced to withdraw his new tax measures that were introduced by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as a condition for additional loans. The President was also forced to sack all his Ministers and the head of Police, and he also withdrew several Bills in Parliament that were meant to deepen the neo-liberal agenda in the Country.
Even while acknowledging the limitations of spontaneous demonstrations, CPK participated actively in those demonstrations and it was at the forefront of spreading the anti-neoliberal capitalism message within the demonstrations.
The recent events in Kenya only confirm that what CPK has been saying all along. Capitalism has failed to resolve the problems of poverty and housing in Kenya. Capitalism is inherently wasteful and it continues to worsen the environmental crises in search for higher and quicker profits. Capitalism continues to create conditions for high unemployment and the ever-rising cost of living.
CPK reiterates once more that the main solution and task ahead is to organise within revolutionary parties and organisations and work to defeat capitalism and to build socialism and communism in all corners of the globe.
Morocco (Moroccan Marxist-Leninist Proletarian Line)
1. Morocco is currently overshadowed by throttling debts, an explosion of the inflation rate and a deterioration of the living conditions, especially for the working class, with a strong decrease in the number of jobs and individual and collective dismissals.
But on the other hand, class struggle is growing in the majority of economic sectors, starting with the fishing industry, mining, the educational system and the health care system; no sector is excluded from the confrontation between workers and bosses.
2.This current situation is exactly what Morocco has been experiencing in the last few years, from 2020 till today. Die question of the living expenses has become a question of life and death for many people.
And so, any time the people experience a deterioration of their standard of living, their dissatisfaction increases and the tensions of daily social life grow, which is reflected in protests and dissatisfaction with the government policies.
The lowering of the standard of living is connected with the lowering of the wages, which already are low and undermined by the unprecedentedly high inflation rate. The pensions and savings are also rapidly decreasing. The families have a hard time feeding their children in the face of the general increase of prices.
3. The elderly, the sick and the most vulnerable groups of society are in life danger now, as the governments is lowering the social expenditures.
4. On the other hand, small businesses are ruined through the toxic combination of inflation, rents and mortgage rates. With the current recession, the number of plant closures has been rising and has led to a strong increase of unemployment and decrease of demand, which even intensifies the weakness.
5. The crisis with which the Moroccan capitalists are confronted and the contradictions are too big to be solved through raising the debts. They cannot repeat the monetary policy of previous periods. As before, they will be forced to slide from one crisis to the next, without being able to counter them with the necessary measures. In one way or another, sooner or later, the debts will have to be paid back. The bill will be presented to those who are least able to pay.
6. These economic and social catastrophes hide behind the guise of progressive capitalist infrastructure, which has been established to lure private capitalist investments into the big cities. However, it is the movement of class struggle that enters into the various sectors in the form of strikes or sit-ins in front of the enterprises that have closed their gates or departments or that have dismissed the workers caused by their crisis of debts. It seems that the situation of class struggle might intensify with the next social cutback.
7. The Marxist-Leninists engage in the daily class struggle of the workers by working on raising the class consciousness of the masses, turning the attention to socialism, which has been suffering serious attacks since the fall of Berlin. The Islamists and the extreme right are profiting from the situation by accusing the Marxist-Leninists of high treason in the national question, especially in the questions of Islam, monarchy and Western Sahara.
8. The answer of the Marxist-Leninists to the manifold attacks on their existence is mobilizing for the daily economic and political struggles and exposing the ideological narratives of the capitalists and of their allied islamists.
Colombia (Partido Comunista de Colombia - Maoist)
Colombia is a country of 52 million inhabitants in the northwestern corner of South America, with coasts on the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and a part of its territory in the huge Amazon jungle crossed by the mighty Andes mountain range and with borders with eleven countries and conflicting with Venezuela, Panama, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil in the continental part and with Nicaragua in the insular part. With an inflation rate of 4.1% and a GDP growth for the first semester of 2.1%. A foreign debt of 84,000 million dollars, either the debt is paid or it is invested.
The previous governments that represented the positions of the right-wing and fascist ruling classes led the country to disgrace, crisis, poverty and social inequality, repression and violence of such magnitude that led the Colombian people to rise up three times: popular uprisings in 2019, 2020, and 2021 and that accumulated masses ended up being the electoral mass base to elect in 2022 the first progressive democratic government with a popular base in the history of Colombia.
Since August 2022 we have been walking the path of building a different society through a proposal to make Colombia a world power of life, in a tough contest with the positions of the ruling classes that once again want to continue with their plan focused on the investment of financial capital and large national and foreign monopolies. They are governments that even when proposing only reforms are harshly attacked by the right wing and fascism. They are attacking all their proposals, measures, opinions, creating conditions to take away any capacity to govern or "soft coup d'état" now through the CNE.
A government that has been able to respond to the feelings of the Colombian people in support of the Palestinian people by breaking diplomatic relations with the fascist Zionist government of Israel, prohibiting the export of coal to that country, denouncing the genocide in Gaza, and denouncing the purchase of the Pegasus intelligence system, which it is possible that it was also used against Venezuela. This position has brought him heavy pressure from the US, Israel and the EU.
The government of Gustavo Petro has worked to solve the migration issue, 2.8 million people from Venezuela and especially the migration conflict due to the so-called "Darien Plug" on the border with Panama.
He has proposed a draft law based on the international convention against the recruitment, use, financing and training of mercenaries, UN agreement of 1989 to prevent the participation of Colombians in foreign conflicts knowing the human rights violations by Colombian mercenaries in other parts of the world, to the extent of the allegations of Colombians fighting on the side of Selensky in Ukraine against Russia.
There are many challenges for the government of change and also limits to apply its model of a new society, which is not the same as that of the communists and revolutionaries, but it is necessary to support proposals favorable to the people of Colombia.
Dominican Republic (Partido Comunista (Marxista Leninista))
1.- In the political sphere
The Dominican Republic is a dependent country in the political and economic orders, with a great cultural influence of the United States. U.S. imperialism exercises its political dominance through the U.S. embassy, while the economic dominance is exercised through financial mechanisms such as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, among others, as well as its supremacy in the markets. Through movies, television, digital media and others, it imposes its culture and lifestyle.
We are a nation of backward capitalism, with great semi-feudal traits, where autocracy rules and the church has a determining weight in society, so it can be said that conservative thinking prevails.
We have a social democratic government, defender of the interests of the ruling class and completely docile to the designs of Yankee imperialism.
The traditional parties maintain ideological control over the great masses. However, these, in spite of being dragged along by political clientelism, are more and more convinced that they do not represent their aspirations.
For its part, the incidence of the revolutionary movement among the people is quite poor. It has lost space in important sectors, such as unions, guilds and other social entities in which it used to have a strong presence. Its weakness is due, in large part, to the fractioning of the main revolutionary organizations.
Despite this, they continue to enjoy the admiration of many. And although this is not expressed with equal magnitude in the electoral field, it represents an important reserve for the take-off of their strengthening.
We are fully confident that unity will prevail, since, in fact, important steps are being taken in this direction, which assure that soon we will have a totally different political panorama, in favor of the revolutionary movement.
2.- In the economic field
In the last five decades, the Dominican Republic has shown an economic growth above the average of Latin American countries. However, this is not reflected in the quality of life of workers and other vulnerable sectors, which are increasingly impoverished as a result of a terrible distribution of wealth, which is concentrated in less than 20% of the population.
The poverty rate reaches more than 40 % and extreme poverty more than 25 %. Unemployment is estimated at 28%, with the highest percentage in the youth and female segments.
In general, jobs are of poor quality, with a predominance of the informal sector (approximately 60%), which do not have any type of social security.
It is worth noting that the economic growth, of which the government boasts so much, is not sustainable, since it is not based on the production of productive goods, but of services, such as hotels, bars, restaurants, telephone companies, etc.; as well as tourism, free trade zones and, above all, remittances from our diaspora, located in different latitudes. In other words, it is a growth based on very sensitive sectors, which depend to a great extent on the political and social stability that the country can guarantee.
The weakness of our productive apparatus is evident when we observe the results in our balance of payments, which always reflects a high deficit. For example, in 2022 our trade balance presented a deficit of 43.8%, equivalent to 5,170.4 million dollars.
The neoliberal economy, followed by the governments of recent years and imposed by international financial organizations, has destroyed the national productive apparatus, both industrial and agricultural, and privatized important industrial and service corporations, including the health and pension systems.
Another major stumbling block facing our economy, which is holding back development, is the latifundia. More than 50 % of our best agricultural lands are in the hands of 10 % of the national producers, producing barely 10 % of all the agricultural products that go to our markets; however, it is the medium and small producers who produce 90 % of these products.
This means that we have to spend large amounts of foreign currency on imports of products that can be easily produced in our country. Thus, for example, in the first three months of 2020 the country spent 55 million dollars in imports of dairy products, in the same way we are forced to buy abroad, the food consumed by our poultry (chickens and others), part of those consumed by cattle and pigs. In general, from January to July 2021, we will import more than two billion dollars worth of agricultural products.
3) In the social sphere
Important confrontations, as a result of the great inequalities and social exclusions, occur between governors and governed, on the one hand, and between workers and employers, on the other hand.
The failure of the central government and local authorities to meet the demands of the population in terms of services and construction of works, provokes constant days of struggles, mobilizing various social sectors, especially the inhabitants of marginalized neighborhoods.
These struggles usually take the form of strikes that paralyze transportation and commercial activities, in an attempt to put pressure on officials to satisfy popular demands.
Episodes of struggles at the company level in recent years have occurred infrequently, largely because most of the existing unions respond to the interests of the employer or are controlled by the parties of the system.
4) In education
The Dominican Republic, according to international surveys that measure school performance, is in the last places with respect to the quality of education. Barely 28.5% of the students read and understand a simple text. Although education is free, poverty, discrimination and migration, among other factors, mean that many children and young people do not have access to education, and 8 % of the country's population does not know how to read or write.
In the 2020-2021 school year, school dropout reached 6.3% at the secondary level, while at the primary level it was 4.0%. For the same period, only 29.0 % of secondary school students completed secondary school, while 58.2 % completed primary school.
These deficiencies are mainly linked to the low budget allocated to education, since for many years only 2.0 % of the national budget was allocated to education. It was not until 2012, after great struggles, that this was raised to 4.0 %.
5) In Health
The Dominican health system is made up of the public and private sectors. In general, the system is extremely deficient, especially in the public sector, where there is a shortage of equipment, materials, medicines, specialized centers and personnel.
With the implementation of the neoliberal economic model, several private companies (ARS) began to manage the health system for the insured, who previously depended on private clinical centers. Now these companies even determine the medications to be prescribed by the doctors to the patients. If, due to the need of the disease, an indication not contemplated in the list is required, then the patient has to cover the cost.
This leads people from the middle class downwards to refrain from going regularly for routine check-ups, which could seriously compromise their state of health.
Our health sector statistics show that out of every 100,000 children born, 18.84 die before their first birthday. Of potentially preventable premature deaths, the rate for preventable causes in 2019 was 219.8 per 100,000 inhabitants, a figure 60.3% higher than that of the region.
Central Committee Marxist Leninist Communist Party (MLCP)
Santo Domingo, Dom. Rep.
Mexico (Organización Apoyante del Partido Comunista de México)
In Mexico the Communist Party of Mexico was founded in 1919, as part of the 3rd International led by the Great Lenin on the idelogy of the proletariat, Maxism-Leninism. In the midst of the class struggle and the struggle between two lines, the PCM led powerful struggles and social movements, embodied in the pages of its press, El Machete.
At the end of the decade of the 1930's, due to the convergent action of revisionism and reaction, the PCM was losing its proletarian character to become a bourgeois party. In 1963 a correct process of Reconstitution began, led by the communist Camilo Chávez Melgoza, which included the recognition and concrete application of Maoism, of the universally valid contributions of Gonzalo's thought and of his own general political line which characterized Mexico as a country of dependent capitalism.
In Mexico a bloody class struggle has been waged since the 1920s, led by the left of the PCM for more than 15 years and at various moments of national history, against the anti-popular and pro-imperialist policies of the corporate, fascist and reactionary Mexican bourgeoisie that directed and applied economic and political plans for the benefit of big national and foreign capital, provoking a profound crisis that plunged our people and the working class into the greatest exploitation, misery and hunger.
For this reason, the struggle of the working class, workers, peasants, women, youth, students and native peoples for better wages, jobs, sufficient jobs, for the defense of the land and territories, for free and secular public education, against discrimination, disappearances and femicides, has been carried out permanently, has never ceased and will never cease as long as capitalism exists. Important workers' strikes of railroad workers, metal mechanics, chemists, electronics, steelworkers, miners have been expressed throughout the length and breadth of the country.
In short, the struggle is and has been for the democratization of our country in the midst of the class struggle. The struggle of our people, at least in the last 40 years of neoliberalism, has been for democracy, which, fed up with electoral fraud, low wages, hunger, misery and exploitation, through the popular vote, put an end to almost a century of fascist corporatism, denying the most elementary rights.
Thus, since 2018, the liberal, humanist and progressive bourgeoisie self-styled as the Fourth Transformation (4T) leads the government with a new anti-corruption and welfare state policy; on the one hand, without touching capitalist exploitation, since its objective was and is to revive and make viable the Mexican capitalist economy in crisis.
During AMLO's government, on the one hand, as he himself acknowledged, neither businessmen nor bankers have failed, they have all increased their fortunes or obtained great profits. On the other hand, he has resolved many of the most heartfelt demands of the people, he has converted some of them into constitutional rights such as the Universal Pension for the Elderly, universal health care, minimum wage, scholarships for young people, support for small and medium industrial and agricultural entrepreneurs.
Now, at the same time, it is confronting the concentrated force of the bourgeois right wing in the Judiciary.
The popular struggles are manifesting themselves with special force against that Judicial Power, thousands of magistrates hated by the people, who persecuted them for decades to impede their struggles, which while defending and freeing powerful members of the bourgeoisie and the drug cartels, keeps in preventive prison, without trials, thousands and thousands of people without resources, thus ciminalizing social probity.
The Judicial Power in Mexico applies and bases its "legal" exercise applying the Criminal Law of the Enemy, known as terrorlaw and lawfare, with which they harass, persecute and unjustly imprison Mexicans and Latinos, since it is not only applied in Mexico but in Latin America. Its objective is not only to control social protest by persecuting organizations and leaders.
But mainly, with the direction of the US government, its police forces such as the DEA, and its Northern and Southern Command, and NATO, to carry out coups d'état as they have done in Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil and attempted in Venezuela, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, among others, as part of their preparations for their third world war.
Even in Mexico, drug cartels are used for this purpose, as it is done in Colombia; or in Peru, against democratic organizations, such as the Amnesty and Fundamental Rights Movement (MOVADEF), subjecting or trying to subject popular organizations, the cartels that exercise political and police power, under the direction of the DEA.
At this time, the Mexican government is denouncing, as are the governments of Nicaragua and Honduras, the intervention of US imperialism, the Mexican government has declared a "pause" in bilateral relations not only with the US but also with Canada, at the same time that China is demanding that the US stop its interference in Latin America.
We reject the intervention of the police forces, the DEA, and the military forces in our continent, their plan of reactionarization, circularization and new war fronts in our continent.
Peru (Bloque Democratico Popular)
Six presidents in five years are, without a doubt, irrefutable proof of the profound social and political crisis shaking our society. Now, with Pedro Castillo imprisoned and the rise to government of the traitor Dina Boluarte, in tacit alliance with the most reactionary sectors of the right wing and the Armed Forces, the struggle for democracy and social change with a new constitution against the continuation of neo-liberal capitalism has entered a more acute phase, approaching its outcome. The main aspects of the new situation are that the main contradiction between social change with a new constitution or neo-liberal continuism with more anti-communist repression is still in force; facing the next elections, possibly with 50 presidential candidates, the class struggle is sharpening; the struggle to preserve and expand the democratic rights and political liberties of the broad masses acquires particular importance and, in spite of the brutal repressive offensive, the ideological struggle is placed in the foreground.
In our judgment, the first leftist government with its President Pedro Castillo failed, and it becomes necessary to draw conclusions to forge the basis for a new political unity of the Labor and Popular Movement. For example, that the government was won but power was not conquered; that with each advance of the Workers and Popular Movement the social and political polarization becomes more acute and bourgeois democracy and its institutions fall into deeper crisis; that the accumulation of revolutionary forces does not take place around a leader, even when they are important, but that it must create its own organization with a character of new democracy and socialist orientation; that the fundamental contradiction in Peru is between capitalism or socialism; that to arrive at socialism a democratic revolution of a new type, socialist, is needed; and the importance of the revolutionary Party, since without a revolutionary Party a social revolution is not possible, and that to continue advancing in its construction, it is necessary to overcome the present preponderance of petty-bourgeois socialist democratism in the heart of the workers' and popular movement.
With the imposition of neoliberal capitalism, Peruvian society was definitively transformed into a neocolonial capitalist society. This process began with the reforms implemented by the military government of Juan Velasco Alvarado, especially the Agrarian Reform which put an end to old-style latifundism and semi-feudalism. However, these reforms were not followed by the strengthening of a national bourgeoisie based mainly on the industrial sector. Rather, starting in the 1980s, the sectors of the big bourgeoisie linked to the sale of natural resources and to banking, finance and commerce gradually regained preponderance.
It was these sectors that promoted the reorganization of the state (privatization) in accordance with the needs of the new international organization of capitalist production (globalization) and the Washington Consensus, which was violently implemented by the civil-military dictatorship of A. Fujimori. Neoliberal capitalism, enshrined in the 1993 Constitution, does not correspond to the needs of the development of a "national capitalism", which demands protection from external competition, industrialization of raw materials, conquest of external markets, etc.
In spite of the genocidal government of Dina Baluarte, directly responsible for 80 deaths and hundreds of wounded and imprisonment of leaders, the Peruvian people continue to struggle. In these days, the so-called informal mining sector is calling for a National Mobilization towards the capital of Lima, Peru, for September 7 and 8, 2024, demanding the resignation of the Minister of Mining and respect for their labor rights; the workers of the Judicial Power are on indefinite strike and the teachers of the Unitary Union of Workers of Educators of Peru, SUTEP, are on hunger strike, regional mobilizations and preparing the Indefinite National Strike.
The construction of a Revolutionary Party crystallizes the highest form of the accumulation of revolutionary forces. To build it, in all its aspects, theoretical, ideological, political, organizational and economic-financial, is an indispensable task for the triumph of the democratic revolution and socialism.
Finally, we reaffirm our principled position. None of the democratic and anti-imperialist demands of the working masses and the Peruvian people can be satisfied in an integral and permanent way within the framework of the capitalist system. They can only be resolved and consistently carried to their end in a socialist society, in a society where the vital needs of man are at the center of society. Where the social wealth generated by work goes to the benefit of the workers and not to the capitalist masters. On that road, everything unites us and nothing can separate us.
For a popular, democratic, anti-imperialist and socialist solution to the crisis!
For social change and the new constitution!
Forge the organs of direct democracy and the revolutionary united front!
Bangladesh (Socialist Party of Bangladesh)
Mass Upsurge 2024: An Evolution
On August 5, 2024 a historic mass upsurge occurred, characterized by unparalleled student enlightenment, self-sacrifice and overwhelming opposition. Following the demise of the despotic fascist administration, the head of the state resigned and departed the nation, seeking sanctuary in the neighbouring country, India. Public aspirations, demands, and expectations have gone unfulfilled for the past 52 years, dating back to the 1971 Independence Liberation War.
Mis-governance, corruption, and contentious elections have persisted over the last 15-16 years. In 2014, the ruling party won 153 out of 300 parliamentary seats unchallenged. In the 2018 election, there were claims of ballot boxes being tampered with the night before, resulting in a big victory for the winning party. Anti-election parties were barred from contesting the 2024 election, and the incumbent party utilized self-appointed dami candidates, to maintain control. Partisanship has influenced state institutions such as administration, police, bureaucracy, and the judiciary. Huge protests funded by loans have been carried out, leading to accusations of massive corruption, money laundering, and embezzlement from powerful ruling party figures.
Student organizations of the ruling party have gained control of educational institutions, leading to improper admissions and unfair distribution seats of residential hall. Allegations have been made that certain student organizations have been oppressed and isolated, and that pressure has been applied for students to pledge allegiance to particular parties. Additionally, there has been a lack of transparency in cases involving disappearances and extrajudicial killings. Strict regulations have been put in place, limiting fundamental rights, and there has been an attempt to revise the history of the liberation war to emphasize the role of the Awami League and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
The us of exaggeration stems from the brutal murder of all family members in 1975, a lot of slurs, boasting of selfishness, painting opponents of the Awami League and government workers as anti-independence, rising unemployment, the working class’ substandard living conditions, and the lowest wages in the world, and anti-labour sentiments. Law against the interest of labor and the owner class’ arbitrary actions, the vast inequality between the rich and the poor, the policy of capitulation to imperialist-Hinduist India for power’s sake, the 40 million unskilled unemployed who do not see a future in their own country, abnormal commodity prices, and the policy of ignoring national interest.
Together, a dormant volcano of anger formed. The people were losing faith in the bourgeois parties that had been controlled in the past. Especially BNP, the main opposition party out of power, failed after repeated attempts. The Jatiya Party was running with the look and feel of an opposition party loyal to the government. Jamaat-e-Islami and other religious fundamentalist parties could not attract public support outside their ranks. The Left Revolutionary Party and other left-wing groups were divided and lacked a strong organisational stance, which prevented them from creating a responsive movement. Apart from that, a section of the leftists joined the ruling party and smeared the leftists. Together, we needed a base around which the dormant volcano could erupt. He assumed a joint leadership position for the student society focused on quota reforms. The arrogance and oppression of the ruling party fuelled it, resulting in the mass upsurge of August 5th.
The quota or reserved level for government posts was 56% (Freedom Fighters 30%, district 10%, women 10%, minorities 5%, disabled 1%). There is no employment, even if there is a limited field available; even those who are recognized for merit or merit in the guise of quotas or reserved seats are denied, and demonstrations against this process have been ongoing since 2018. In terms of quotas, especially in light of the liberation war’s significant contribution, the 30% limit set for freedom fighters’ family members is no longer appropriate after 52 years.
In such a situation, a modest reservation may have been established for the liberation war and its fighters. The agitators desired reforms for this reason. So, in addition to merit, backward groups might be elevated to the status of citizens by special advantages, care, and services. Given all of this, a reservation of a 5% quota was requested. However, the government chose to ignore, cheat, and oppress. Individuals see this persecution as more than just torture on students; it is a violent attack on individuals, and they are prepared to retaliate even if their lives are in jeopardy.
In this instance, Abu Saeed, one of the leaders of the English second-year student agitators at Begum Rokeya University in Rangpur, bravely gave up his own life to take a strong stance within the student & youth community, which increased the number of people who relied on and participated in the movement. Police armed positions are joined by the RAB and Border Guard BGB.
The military was overthrown at one point. About two hundred people lost their lives, and several thousand more were injured in just four or five days. It is extremely uncommon to witness many deaths in such a short amount of time. Helicopter gunships and armoured vehicles with the UN designations are fired upon. There is a curfew. The head of the Govt. left the nation on the fifth. The interim government’s formation process got underway. On August 8, a 17-member government took office. The leader was Dr. MD. Yunus, a Nobel laureate.
During this time, certain unexpected incidents occurred in various locations. There have been incidents of attacks, looting, and vandalism against minority-owned homes and businesses. Sheikh Mujib’s sculpture was among the several Liberation War memorial sculptures that were defaced. These incidents all occurred in an environment of complete emptiness and without the presence of police. Both Ganabhaban (residence of prime minister), Parliament house & office of the prime minister are plunder. The majority of these were fits of irrational behaviour. Individuals have begun speaking out against all of this. However, the recently formed interim government is also making an effort to adopt a more useful posture. Even so, there are still issues with this government’s establishment process and its members, especially the head of the Govt.
Because we are also involved in the movement, the “anti-discrimination” slogans raised by the movement have gained prominence, and leftists, including our party SPB, have endorsed the government’s vow to support the student movement despite its many flaws, restrictions, and shortcomings. But rather than offering unwavering support, we will stick to our seeming oppositional and supportive approach while keeping in mind the need to guard the movement’s central idea. Additionally, we will keep emphasising the need to avoid following the road of the capitalist socio-economic system, which is the social system or governance policy that promotes discrimination and the system that can put an end to it. It will create a new level of public interest, and student support for leftist politics.
Some confusion must also be resolved right now. The movement was neither political nor nonpolitical. A movement that reflects the people’s demands, hopes, and goals and in which the people participate cannot be apolitical. A movement’s political character does not change just because it is not led by one or more political parties. Conflicts over individual or group interests are not considered political movements. However, confrontations between non-ideological political factions have a political component. It excludes the general public in favour of people with specific interests. It does not acknowledge advanced, excellent work.
This movement has gained both national and international attention. This movement produced consequences
Nepal (Nepal Communist Party (Mashal))
Nepal Communist Party (Mashal), in the very beginning, likes to clarify that this report unlike a country report would be mainly political. Therefore, we will confine ourselves to discussing and evaluating the current political situation of Nepal. Our strategic goal at present is the New Democratic Revolution. Nepal is a semi-feudal and semi-colonial country. Therefore, naturally, our minimum program is New Democratic Revolution. However, all the leftist parties or organizations of Nepal do not unanimously accept such a view. Many of them have put forth the view that as New Democratic Revolution has already been completed in Nepal, so they emphasize that socialist revolution should be their strategic goal for the time being. But we think that such a view is completely wrong. It prerequisites as high degree of industrial revolution for the socialist program. However, as far Nepal is concerned, the level of industrial development is very low. However, Nepal is not under the control of an imperialist country. It is influenced by them. It is because of such an objective condition that we have to go through a bourgeois-democratic revolution. However, in the present international circumstances, in which the countries are dominated by imperialism, a bourgeois democratic revolution cannot take place under the bourgeois leadership. In such a situation, Nepal being a semi-feudal and semi-colonial country, the task, which was fulfilled under the leadership of bourgeois in European countries, can succeed only under the leadership of the party of the proletariat in Nepal, and that makes it a new democratic revolution.
A new democratic revolution is our strategy, which can or must go through various tactical stages. The objective is to serve the strategy, which means, to prepare the ground for the new democratic revolution or to strengthen the subjective process of the revolution. The tactics are to be changed according to changes in various political situations. However, the strategy of a country changes when the overall historical or objective condition of a country changes. However, tactics change according to particular political situation in different times. In this context, the quotation of Lenin is worth mentioning, which emphasizes that every policy of the party should be changed after matching concrete analysis of a concrete situation. It is on this Leninist spirit, our party has been adopting various tactics according to various political changes in Nepal. It is because of such a correct approach of our party that we have been able to refrain from "leftist", "centrist", "rightist” or "leftist" sectarian mistakes. In the long history of the party, we had to go various type of ideological or inner political struggle against all those wrong views.
For the time being, our party has decided that our main contradiction is with domestic feudalism and Indian imperialism. However, we have to struggle against many other domestic or international opponents such as comprador and bureaucratic bourgeois, American, Russian, Chinese, or Western European imperialist powers. Our party takes American imperialism as the main danger in the present international situation. However, considering the geo-political situation of Nepal, among the foreign imperialist powers, we take Indian imperialism as a main enemy of Nepal. We regard both India and China as an imperialist power, but we, on the one side, taking into account the geopolitical situation of Nepal, and on the other side, to check and balance the interference of American and Indian imperialism in Nepal, emphasize on maintaining a friendly relationship with China. Both American and Indian imperialist forces think that China is a serious obstacle in the way of their interference in Nepal. Therefore, they fully try to influence the ruling party or government machinery to keep Nepal away from China. Such an attitude of them is guided by their imperialist motive.
Since India came out of British domination, it has been following an expansionist policy towards Nepal its objective being to much Nepal into Indian Union. On the one hand, national awareness of the Nepali people or international situation and on the other hand, the presence of China in the north border of Nepal, India has not been able to fulfill its expansionist objective. Recently, India has turned into an imperialist country and the danger of India to Nepal has increased many times more. In such a situation, many parties, including the ruling political parties in Nepal, have been adopting a pro-Indian attitude and some of them, Madhesbadi parties' are directly buit to serve the Indian interest in Nepal.
Formally, America used to fulfill its imperialist interest in Nepal by either using the political parties of Nepal in one or another way or pressurizing the government of Nepal. At the same time, the main strategy of the USA had been to fulfill the interest in Nepal through India. Lately, it has adopted the policy of playing a direct role. Needless to mention the objective behind foreign such party is to capture the government in Nepal and to make hold of state power to serve American interests in Nepal. Such a strategy on the part of American imperialism is intended to encircle China to make Nepal a battlefield to attack Tibet and to restore the rule of the Dalai Lama there. Therefore, we conclude that in the long term, the threat of American Imperialism is going to be very dangerous for Nepal.
Not only all the reactionaries' and bourgeois parties but also right revisionist parties or organizations such as the Maoists and the UML have adopted a compromising policy towards American imperialism. Because of such an attitude, the MCC was passed by the parliament with an overall majority, although the legal front of our party, the National People's Front (NPF) had voted against that, and (MCC). At the same time, NFP has organized a countrywide agitational movement against that. America in also China to make adopted the SPP by the parliament to allow the US army to reach in the border of Tibet.
However, our party as a part of the international united front against imperialism and fascism is determined to fight against this and overall imperialism for world peace and democracy.
It is known worldwide that India has occupied 372 square kilometers of Kalapani area for more than six decades and the leftist forces of Nepal unitedly have been struggling from the very beginning against that. Later, the whole area of Kalapani was included in the map of India. However, the parliament of Nepal unanimously claimed that the Kalapani Area wholly belongs to Nepal and it included the land Indian side occupies in the map of Nepal. We are sorry to mention that even China’s map has not shown the Kalapani area in Nepal. We are also sorry to say that almost all left parties of India were okay with the Indian occupation of the land of Nepal and even after the movement of the leftist party and organizations of Nepal against such an act of India, they have not adopted the position that the Indian army should occupy the Kalapani Area of Nepal. Perhaps the lack of the spirit of proletariat internationalism could have made them reach the clear-cut stand in which they can take a stance on the Kalapani issue of Nepal. However, we are convinced that all the Marxist Leninist parties or organizations of the world would take a proletarian internationalist stand on the Kalapani issue of Nepal and protest against the occupation land of Nepal by Indians.
Our party maintains that our country has the main contradiction between the Nepali people on the one side and domestic feudalism and Indian Imperialism on the other side. Together with that, we take the contradiction between comprador and bureaucratic bourgeois and American or European imperialism as an important one. In the international level, American imperialism is the main danger so; we emphasize having a united international movement against imperialism and fascism worldwide. That is why we fully support the international united front established to fight against imperialism and fascism.
NCP (Mashal) is fighting against various imperialist forces to defend the nationality and sovereignty of Nepal, in the same time we have been fighting for democracy for a long time. We are happy to acknowledge that after the century-long struggle of the Nepali people for democracy; we had succeeded to establish and secure secularism by people's movement of 2005. However, the restorative forces are campaigning with a plan and are organizing against the achievement of 2005. Therefore, fighting against retrogression has been an urgent task of Nepali people at present.
The royalist or retrogressive forces of Nepal have been trying to fight the democratic achievement of the Nepali people achieved through the movement of 2005 repeatedly. The autocratic Rana rule was abolished but in 1960, the then king Mahindra established monarchy and dictatorial Panchayat system, which was, abolished by the democratic movement of 1990. However, in 2002, the then king Ganendra took powers in his hand and established absolute monarchy and the people's movement of 2005 established republic system abolishing monarchy wholly. However, the royalists are in movement to restore monarchy and make Nepal Hindu nation again. Situation seems to worsen further as a section of Nepali Congress is in favor of restoring monarchy and making Nepal Hindu nation.
KP Sharma Oli, the Prime Minister of Nepal, had been against republic system from the beginning and had dissolved the parliament twice. Therefore, he had made coalition with Royalist party repeatedly in the election or in government too. The Hindu fundamentalist government of India too is supporting the royalists of Nepal is one or another way. Therefore, it is obvious that the danger of retrogression is very serious and our party always gives high importance to the struggle against that.
The line of united action against retrogression has been very glorious in Nepal. It was through united action that the rule of absolute monarchy and dictatorship Panchayat system had ended in 1990. The monarchy was abolished in 2005 and the effort of KP Sharma Oli to dissolve parliament repeatedly was foiled. Now the alliance of leftist and democratic forces has weakened much because of vacillating and opportunist rule of various political parties or organizations who formally unitedly had stood against retrogarion. However, we still emphasize on having united action - having an alliance of all the forces who stand for the republic and a secularism. we see very little possibility for such unity against retrogression. However, we are not disappointed and we should do our best to carry out to struggle against retrogression or against the danger of restoration of monarchy and to make Nepal as a Hindu nation. Looking at the long and glorious history of Nepali people, we are optimistic for the outcome that we shall finally be able to defeat royalist and the retrogative forces.
We are against the federalism in Nepal since the very beginning. It is our considered perception that the federal system is imposed on Nepal by the pressure of foreign powers mainly India and Europe. Federalism is bound to create many problems, including the threat of possible separatist demands, and sectarian strife in the name of culture, religion, and language. Therefore, we are opposed to federalism and we will continue to wage a struggle against it because, in the long term, federalism will endanger the integrity of Nepal given the geopolitical situation, particularly the proximity of Madesh Province with India. We emphasize establishing a unitary system based on democratic decentralization and self-rule replacing federalism
While giving emphasis on the struggle against retrogation and imperialism for the sake of nationality and democracy, our party had taken the policy of fighting and struggling for the just and policy demands of the various classes and masses such as workers, peasants, women, youth, students, ethnic people, scheduled cast and immigrant Nepali living in a foreign country. Our objective behind all these movements mean to prepare the ground for the New democratic revolution or to make the tactic to-serve strategy.
NCP (Mashal)
Nepal (Revolutionary United Front of Nepal)
Nepal is a multi-national, multi-lingual, multi-cultural, and multi-religious country with varied geographical terrains. Today the country is mainly in a neocolonial condition from the socio-economic point of view. However, there are still some vestiges of semi-colonial and semi-feudal characteristics. At this time, the county and the people have been the victims of heavy exploitation and oppression in terms of economic, political, and cultural form by the comprador, beaurocratic bourgeoisie, and the feudal class and imperialism and expansionism. Other forms of exploitation and oppression based on class, nationality, region, gender, and caste systems are prevailing there. The feudal monarchical system ended nearly two decades ago however, the remnants of feudalism still exist regarding land ownership and political and social culture.
Geo-political Situation:
Nepal is strategically situated between her two giant neighbors China and India. Both the neighbors China and India are vying to build up political, economic, and strategic influence in Nepal. India has pushed territorial encroachment on several regions of the country including Lipulek, Kalapani, Susta, Maheshpur, and Pashupati Nagar. China and India signed a bilateral agreement on 15 May 2015 making the Nepali Territory Lipulek a common trade point to boost their business. Following that incident, China also stepped up against the national independence of Nepal including India. This is a matter of serious irony and condemnation. Likewise, American imperialism is making an effort to restrain politically, economically, and strategically through the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), which is an essential part of Indo-Pacific strategy and the State Partnership Program (SPP) projects in Nepal. Eventually, US imperialism is implementing its strategic plan through the Millennium Challenge Compact (MCA) under the veil of infrastructure development for transmission lines.
Democratic Rights and Livelihood:
The problems of democratic rights in the country have become very serious as well. Although Nepal has a Democratic Republic, it is a comparatively progressive step forward from the former monarchical system. But it is a reactionary state system from a futuristic point of view to establish a New Democratic state power. In essence, this is the democracy for the comprador, bureaucratic capitalist, and remnant feudal class but it is a bourgeoisie dictatorship for the masses of people. Workers, peasants, and women, including the Dalits (so-called impure and untouchables), Madheshis, Muslims, and indigenous nationalities have been deprived of their rights. Women are oppressed by patriarchism, Dalits by Brahmanism, and religious minorities by Hindu majoritarianism. Consequently, the problems of people’s livelihood for the Nepali people have become very severe. The country's economy is under the sway of imperialism and expansionism. The national industries of the country that generate a self-reliant economy for the people have been finished off. Due to foreign capital investment, the country's natural resources have caught up with the hands of monopoly capitalists. As a result, all these have put together unemployment, corruption, poverty, and health hazards due to epidemics in the country. The vast population of the young and energetic workforce of the country is compelled to move abroad. The able-bodied Nepali youths have been sold as mercenaries and cannon fodders to the British and Indian armed forces in the name of the ‘Gurkhas’ for more than 200 years and it was renewed through a tripartite agreement in 1947. As a whole, the country is running through a horrible financial crisis. Political, economic, social, and cultural crises have been intensified due to comprador-bureaucratic capitalist and feudal state power.
The Present Situation:
Recently, the guard and coalition partners of the government have changed, and the two largest parties the capitalist Nepali Congress and so-called communist the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist) have formed a new government. The scenario that has taken place in this process is seen as very embarrassing for the self-respecting Nepali people and very precarious for the national independence and sovereignty of the country. The so-called seven-point agreement reached between them is in the vested interest of the ruling class and not of the people of Nepal. The crux of the agreement is related to the power-sharing between the two parties specifically their party bosses under the veil of the issue of the amendment of the constitution.The country's economy is under the sway of imperialism and expansionism. The national industries of the country that generate a self-reliant economy for the people have been finished off. Due to foreign capital investment, the country's natural resources have caught up with the hands of monopoly capitalists. As a result, all these have put together unemployment, corruption, poverty, and health hazards due to epidemics in the country. The vast population of the young and energetic workforce of the country is compelled to move abroad.Today, the reactionary state power and system and the parliamentary political parties that have been representing and protecting it are getting caught in the melancholy of a serious crisis and people are becoming disgusted with all of them. Nepali people are looking for real change and forward-looking options. However, imperialism and expansionism are conspiring to protect the reactionary state power and order by making the old comprador political forces more succumb and blind supporters on the one hand and by preparing new compradors who are still reliable and by not letting the revolutionary and progressive forces to rise on the other. We have the pleasure to share the unification of the three revolutionary Communist Parties of Nepal, namely, the Communist Party of Nepal (Revolutionary Maoist), the Communist Party of Nepal (Mashal), and the Communist Party of Nepal (Bahumat) and the unity has been advanced to achieve this objective by rounding up the true revolutionary communists in a unified communist party. These three communist parties have already unified as the Revolutionary Communist Party of Nepal (RCPN). The process of unification and polarization of the revolutionary parties and forces will go ahead in the coming days as well.
Sri Lanka (Guest Contribution Frontline Socialist Party)
By 2020, Sri Lankan faced a huge economic crisis and it was expressed as a fiscal crisis and a foreign currency crisis. It is, on one hand, a part of the crisis capitalism has faced in the international level and on the other hand, a result of being stuck in a debt trap and inability of paying those debts. The capital that travel around the world seeking more profits have created a system of debt and interest. Lanka was stuck in that trap and even the debt taken, had been used not to develop the production or production related services but to create the infrastructure for the needs of the global capital. In the finance capital system that has been built, it is even not possible to take loans for other production purposes. Lanka had to pay around 6,7 billion US dollars as the annual loan premium and the interest by 2020-2021.
The decisive turning point of this was the declaration of Lanka as a default country by Sri Lankan government itself in April 2022. Parallel to that, the protests started in January against the scarcity of gas and fuel, power cuts and high inflation escalated to a huge peoples uprising. In April 2022 the goal face which is a public ground was occupied by the people. As a result of this struggle in which hundreds of thousands of people took part, on the 9th July 2022, the then president Gotabhaya Rajapaksha was evicted ending the corrupted and dictatorial rajapaksha family rule.
Any opposition political party in the parliament did not give the leadership to that people’s struggle to bring victory and they were afraid of this political approach of the people. With the resignation of the president Gotabhaya Rajapaksha, the parliament decided to appoint a successor president. People’s demand to go to a immediate general election establishing a interim government without a president was rejected by all the political parties including the opposition political parties. The end result was the appointment of the Ranil wickramasinghe as the successor president with the majority power of the ruling party. From the beginning he ruled suppressing the public and the student leaders who played a key leadership role were jailed. Our party was threatened to be banned and the leaders to be arrested.
Then he started maneuvering the country according to the Indu- Facific reactionary strategy with the camp of USA- Europe union and the India. An agreement was signed with International Monetary Fund taking a loan of 2.9 billion USD with an annual interest of 6.5%.
At the moment, under the IMF programme, austerity measures such as taxing the people, selling state owned enterprises to foreign companies, removing the international trade barriers to protect the small and medium scale producers, law reforms to grab farm lands from the farmers and hand over them to companies, abandoning the responsibility of the government from the social security service such as education and the health are being carried out. while IMF is working at the policy level, Indian great capital such as Adani, Amban and Tata are working on the practical level. Many new repressive laws are being passed to suppress the people’s uprising against them.
Amidst this situation, the presidential election of Lanka is to be held on 21st September 2024. We, Front Line Socialist Party, Socialist Peoples Forum" and the New Democratic Marxist - Leninist Party with the frontline activists of the 2022 peoples struggle have formed the People’s Struggle Alliance and comrade Nuwan Bopage who was a frontline activist of the Aragalaya has been nominated as the presidential candidate. Opposition parties SJB and the NPP (National People’s Power) are trying to loot the People’s aggression against the economic crisis and the people’s expectations created as a result of the people’s struggle in this election. But they are standing to stay in the IMF program and to continue the same current political system as it is. People’s struggle Alliance proposes a Exit IMF programme, a new constitution which will empower the people and a solution for the national question giving selfautonomy for the minorities. At the same time it proposes a foreign policy against making Sri Lanka a victim of the inter-imperial power struggle. This presidential election in Sri Lanka will be crucial not only for the fate of the Lanka but also regarding the geo-politics of the Indian Ocean and the Indian subcontinent.
Thank you
Bulgaria (Българска Комунистическа Партия)
Bulgaria has been in a permanent political crisis since the protests against the government of GERB began in 2020. New bourgeois parties were established – mainly to fight GERB corruption. In this period they could establish a parliamentary government twice. The first one was formed by three coalitions: one around the Socialist Party, “Continuing Change” and the party “There is such a people”. This government lasted around seven months and was dissolved because of corruption scandals involving members of government. The second government was a silent coalition between GERB and “Continuing Change” (though it was founded to fight GERB), under the pretext that the changed constitution was allegedly an improvement of the judiciary. But the principal result was restriction of the authority of the president in the election of the serving prime minister. To achieve a majority for the constitutional change they also cooperated with the Turkish party. The result was that the president is only allowed to appoint followers of the failed parliamentary parties as serving prime minister. Though GERB was the top political power, the government consisted exclusively of representatives of “Continuing Change” except only one minister from GERB. There was agreement that there should be a change of government every 9 months, then a prime minister from the other coalition partner is to be appointed. However, when the 9 months were over, they were feuding – a new government was no longer possible and parliament was dissolved again. In the next election (on 9 June 2024) GERB was again the strongest party, second in place was DPS (the Turkish party), the socialist party was fifth in place with only 7.5% and an election turnout of 34%. Again no government could be elected, but the discussions led to a split in the DPS; because of the poor election results the socialists also split – which were the two most stable parties in the past. Thus in October the seventh early parliamentary election within three years will take place. The prognoses indicate a still lower election turnout, with the GERB up front.
The economic situation has stabilized, mainly because of high earnings due to arms supply to Ukraine, high prices for electricity in 2023 and increasing foreign debts. Wages were raised, though not corresponding to the majority of the prices, but because of the nominal wages increase there is no mass dissatisfaction. Unemployment is low, employees are even imported (mainly for tourism).
The only class struggles took place in connection with the shutdown of thermal power plants planned in the „Green Deal”. It was solved by the government promising the deferring of payment of debts and high compensations. So instead of producing electricity in our country, coal is exported to Serbia where nothing is paid for carbon dioxide emissions. They produce electricity there from the coal which is then imported.
At the moment the acute problem is lack of water. People in several towns have no or only limited water supply. The reason is partly a drought that has lasted three months, on the other hand it is the high loss (up to 80% in some places ) and wasting of water from reservoirs for energy production – in power plants that are owned by politicians.
Cyprus (Union of Cypriots)
Hello comrades,
I am E., i represent the Union of Cypriots. We campaign for the national liberation of Cyprus.
For 50 years 36% of the land belonging to the Republic of Cyprus has been under Turkish occupation. Cypriots living in the occupied area have been oppressed by the Turkish troops that illegally control half of the island.
Turkey has violated international laws like the geneva convetion with its settler coloinalism and hague convention with its destruction of cultural property like converting churches into mosques and the desicration of cemetories. Among other conventions. Like the Rome Satute, the international convention on the law of the sea and the missing persons act of 2006.
As well as the ongoing Turkish occupation, Cyprus has four other NATO armies that utilize the island. Greece, the United Status, France and the United Kingdom, who has 2 miltary bases on the island which are curently being used for the genocide in Gaza.
When we talk about liberating Cyprus, we are talking about the freedom of West Asia and North Africa as well as cutting off the windpipe of the whole region. This is because Cyprus is an island in the mediterian that is located in between Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa
Thank you.
France (Union Prolétarienne Marxiste-Léniniste)
Hello comrades, thank you very much for organizing this conference,
The international situation swept by many global crises is marked by the exacerbation of contradictions between old and new imperialist countries. France is looking for its place which is contested in several colonies and ex-colonies: West Africa, Kanaky, the Antilles etc. The Macron government a "warmonger" has become the world's 2nd largest exporter of arms. Exploitation and repression inside the country are reinforced! Layoffs, precarious work, impoverishment; reduction of political and union freedoms: 1000 CGT unionists are attacked in court for their solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian people. Militarization by increasing the military budget, by creating a camouflaged military service, the "Universal National Service" for youth. Furthermore: Macronists, Republicans (the right) and the fascist National Rally (RN) have often voted together for reactionary laws and measures in parliament.
However, daily resistance has not stopped: massive struggles have followed one another: the Yellow Vests, those against pension reform, against police brutality, against all aspects of right-wing and fascisation. However, making the RN lose in the legislative elections was a remarkable success of a broad popular alliance, mobilized by the formation of the New Popular Front (NFP), a left-wing electoral group for the legislative elections and which has become the leading force ahead of the Macronist party and the RN. Today, despite everything, RN votes are increasing sharply (10 million; 32% of voters). But the fascist danger is often underestimated and we intend to spread the idea of banning the RN.
All these scattered struggles denounce the abuses of capitalism, but despite the anti-capitalist criticism remain under the mainly reformist influence. The absence of an alternative political perspective, the decomposition of the Communist Party, which has become social-democrat, the betrayal of the reformist left reinforce a feeling of isolation and destabilize the proletariat.
Political situation: decomposition of the translational parties, no party has a majority in parliament, engenders a deep political crisis. This reinforces the search for a societal perspective - or withdrawal into oneself. The NFP (The Greens, the revisionist PC, La France Insoumise and the Socialist Party) has little political unity and does not represent the long-term interests of the working class. In particular, the PS plays the role of Trojan horse in the NFP and aims for an alliance with the parties of financial capital.
New initiatives are emerging against the fascists and the ecological and military risks. More than ever the question of the revolutionary Party, centralizing the struggles against the capitalist system and the ruling class is necessary. But the movement claiming communism is weak and dispersed between different currents. Our organization, the UPML, fights for the unity of communists on a Marxist-Leninist basis to rebuild this Party we must lead the polemic). Linked to this challenging other progressive organizations and currents to face the rise of fascism becomes an important task. The ICOR and the United Front help us in the offensive of socialism, the fight against anticommunism, opportunism and spontaneity within the organizations in the class struggle. Our internationalism distinguishes us from chauvinist and reactionary currents. The creation of the FU allows a broader mass work.
Germany (Marxistisch-Leninistische Partei Deutschlands)
The state elections in the eastern German states of Thuringia and Saxony on 1 September were a political earthquake. In Thuringia, the established bourgeois parties did not even reach 50% of the votes. The masses' previous ties to the established bourgeois parties are rapidly dissolving, while the new political ties to the BSW alliance, which was only founded this year, and the fascist AfD are still relatively unstable. The increased social polarisation is intensifying politicisation among the masses. In Thuringia 73.6% voted in the elections, compared to over 52.7% ten years ago. The parties of the Berlin government received just 11.4% of the votes in Thuringia. There is huge dissatisfaction with inflation, the ecological situation and the government's war policy.
In Thuringia and Saxony, the formation of a government is in the stars. A break-up of the federal government with early elections could arrive very soon. The leading monopolies are pushing for a tougher course against the masses, a reactionary turnaround.
In this situation, the AfD, a fascist and racist, ethno-nationalist [völkisch] party, has become the strongest party in a state election for the first time since the Second World War with 32.8 per cent in Thuringia. The acute fascist danger has intensified, for the AfD is poised to join or take over the government in Saxony and Thuringia.
The masses do not want to live in the old way any more – and those in power are not able to rule in the old way any more. With that, the political crisis has broken out openly.
This has particular significance in Germany as one of the core countries of the imperialist world system and the strongest imperialist power in the European Union. It has 83.8 million inhabitants, including around 22 million migrants. It is characterised by the contrast between a highly developed working class in various important supermonopolies, particularly in the car industry, mechanical engineering and the chemical industry, and the solely ruling international finance capital. Around 5-6 million people work in the large industrial companies. We place especial emphasis on attacking the German imperialism, who wants to make its mark as European leading power in military questions.
It is our main enemy, the US imperialism the main warmonger in the world and all imperialist and new imperialist states opponents of the international working class and all oppressed.
Germany has been particularly affected by the global economic and financial crisis that has been ongoing since 2018. German industrial production is currently 15% below the pre-crisis level. Germany is especially falling behind in international competition with regard to the new imperialist China. This has led the monopolies to launch a general attack on the working class in the automotive and steel sectors, by which the reformist policy of class collaboration has openly failed.
There have already been three self-organized warning strikes in the steel sector at TKSE and last week tens of thousands attended militant workforce meeting at VW, where the board of management threatens to destroy 30.000 of 120.000 jobs, closure of factories and cuts on tariff benefits. The work in the large industrial companies and unions is the main line of struggle of MLPD and our factory party groups are at the forefront of triggering and leading of union strikes and especially self-organized strikes.
In 2015, a progressive change of mood developed in connection with the crisis of bourgeois refugee policy in Germany. Since January 1st 2024, over 5.6 million people have taken part in workers' and people struggles in Germany, as many as at no other time since the Second World War. Almost 220,000 people took part in the largest farmers' protests in post-war history at the beginning of the year. However, in most cases the agrarian monopolies, large-scale farmers and the mass of farmers were still standing in one line there and MLPD put up differentiated demands in the interests of small and medium-sized farmers.
With 4.85 million, the broadest mass movement was the anti-fascist protest and struggle. However, the progressive change of mood was also temporarily and partially superimposed by the right-wing tendency and the fascist danger.
MLPD stood for the state elections in Thüringia with the Internationalist List/MLPD to make a breech in the fascist danger. Our main slogan was a slogan for the struggle over the mode of thinking: Who votes for AfD, votes for fascism! Who wants to fight AfD, support MLPD! We combined that with persuasion work to strengthen MLPD. We took care to attack the fascist danger, to critisize the tripartite government and the other bourgeois parties and monopolies and simultaneously to propagate genuine socialism on the basis of the proletarian mode of thinking. The influence of MLPD is growing, which is visible in the doubling of the voting result in comparison to the European elections. At the same time, we are being restrained by massive counter measures of those in power. Just for one, there were almost 25 illegal police actions against our election campaign activities.
MLPD is a very agile and active party and represented in 500 cities in all of the federal states of Germany. We construct MLPD as a new-type party which has drawn lessons from the revisionist degeneration and the problems in socialist construction. The decisive role of the mode of thinking in class struggle, construction of party and in socialist construction are a trademark of MLPD.
We emphasize a well-founded theoretical work and have completed 39 editions of our theoretical organ REVOLUTIONARY WAY. The current edition which being printed now concerns the „crisis of bourgeois social science, religion and culture“. We also enjoy very much working together in theoretical work with comrades of other countries. At the beginning of this years we already presented a supplementary edition to our environmental policy analysis, „Global environmental catastrophe has begun!“. The work in the environmental field is our second most important line of struggle.
We are active for women’s liberation and in our central comitee meanwhile the majority is female.
We spread proletarian internationalism, especially in the solidarity with the palestinian and kurdish liberation struggle. We establish the internationalist mode of thinking against massively increasing fascist and racist slander against refugees and migrants.
In total, we determine internationally a latent existential crisis of humankind, with the acute danger of a world war and the already started global environmental catastrophe as well as the international fascist tendency and danger.
Against this the revolutionaries of the world need to unite in ICOR and the antiimperialists in the „United Front“. We support the construction of ICOR from our whole heart and participate in its common days of struggle.
We tend close relationships to non-party affiliated self-run organizations of the masses, to unions, womens organizations or in the environmental area. We are proud of our youth organization Rebell and the childrens organization Rotfüchse, on which we organize a pulsating changing of generations. REBELL has resulted in a stable structure of cadres. It takes as a goal zu organize with many others a new, socialist youth movement.
Netherlands (Rode Morgen)
Brown government and polarization force choices
In order to form the new government, the right-wing, extreme right-wing and fascist parties VVD, BBB, NSC and PVV negotiated for months. Not because they disagree on everything – these parties agree that the capitalist profit economy of the big companies must be protected and the war chest must be filled. And everything that hinders this - such as acquired rights - must be removed or questioned. After a few attempts, the coalition chose Dick Schoof as prime minister, a man about whom a satirical website wrote that he was “the only prime minister who knows more about you than you know about him”. That joke refers to Schoof's career as director of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, director-general of police at the Ministry of Justice, National Coordinator for Counterterrorism and Security and as the highest man with the intelligence service AIVD.
In other words: a man who knows how to organize repression. That is what the capitalist class needs in a time of increasing strikes and resistance to environmental destruction.
Schoof's premiership is indicative of the changing strategy of the Dutch monopolies: they are increasingly switching to open oppression instead of deceit. We see this in all areas: the minimum wage is not getting a much-needed increase, regulations to protect the environment are being scrapped, education is being cut back heavily and only the army is becoming stronger and bigger. And to pit ordinary people against each other, hatred of foreigners and migrants is being further fuelled.
As always, the big companies are well taken care of. The burden is passed on to the working people. A large proportion of the population, approximately six out of ten households, cannot or can only barely make ends meet. Groceries have become more than 50% more expensive compared to five years ago. On the first of July, the largest rent increase since 1990 took effect. Rents have risen by 178.12% in 30 years and the maintenance of homes has fallen at least at the same rate. Healthcare costs have become a millstone around the necks of families and a dentist is no longer affordable for many. Working people fight a daily battle for a better future for their children, but it is often a losing battle. Because more than half of young people have a flexible contract and almost half of young people cannot make ends meet.
The program of the new brown government is a pre-programmed provocation, with one provoked riot after another, which must strengthen the mass base for the fascist ideology of PVV and associates: attack on women's rights, workers' rights, refugees, environmental protection, public broadcasting, books, newspapers, art and sciences, etc. Until ultimately only the media channels of the right or even more right remain. 'The elite' is not hindered by this, but rather helped - all obstacles to achieving maximum profit must disappear, that is the task with which this brown government has been appointed.
So stand up to keep what we have? That would be a big mistake: capitalism is a dying, outlived social system, which in order to prolong its life in all countries helps extreme right-wing and fascist organizations into the saddle. Resistance against the right and the right-wing will only be successful if it is linked to the struggle for real socialism – a new way of democratic coexistence without exploitation, oppression and environmental destruction. What is necessary is that those words are followed by deeds and that the working class forms the backbone of this resistance.
Due to the polarization in society, there is also more interest in our organization, the work we do and the goal of real socialism. People are searching – we must ensure that they find us and can contribute to the construction of our organization. Next year we want to take the step towards a union of Marxist-Leninists in the Netherlands. Even with the current developments that is not easy - we can use the solidary advice and help from everyone!
Northern Kurdistan-Turkey (Bolşevik Parti (Kuzey Kürdistan-Türkiye))
In 2024, the Twelfth Party Congress of our Bolshevic Party (Northern Kurdistan/Turkey) took place. The Party Congress made a detailed assessment on the world situation and the situation in our countries Northern Kurdistan/Turkey. Based on this I will give a brief overview as follows.
The Turkish economy has entered a phase of recovery after the sharpest decline in the second quarter of 2020 (-10.4 percent), which went hand in hand with the Covid crisis beginning in March 2020. Between the third quarter 2020 and the third quarter 2023, the economy had been growing for 13 quarters without cessation. The war in Ukraine, which had a negative shock effect on the global economy, did not harm the Turkish economy much. The Turkish bourgeoisie, who did not take part in the sanctions against Russia, further intensified the trade relations to Russia and in the meantime sold arms to Ukraine (mainly recently drones), succeeded in using this war as a chance for itself.
Between 2019 and 2023, the Turkish economy grew with an average yearly rate of 4.64 percent. In the first quarter of 2024 it was even at 5.7 percent. This id almost double the average yearly growth rate of the global economy in the same period (2.52 percent). By the figures, the Turkish economy has been growing relatively fast in the last five years. This growth, however, is below the goals of the Turkish bourgeoisie to be among the ten largest national economies of the world by 2023.
Many spokespersons of the bourgeois opposition in Norther Kurdistan/Turkey and many “left people” who follow them just ignore this fact. They claim, “the Turkish economy does not grow. TÜIK is lying. The people go to bed hungry!” and so on, and so on.
However, one must know that economic growth in the capitalist society is mainly the growth of the economy of the ruling class, the bourgeoisie, is the increase of the income, of the profit and the wealth of the bourgeoisie.
What is going on in reality? Yes, the economic situation of the people, of the workers and the working population is bloody bad. According to the data of TÜIK, the annual inflation rate is at 65 percent. The consumer price inflation is estimated at 64 percent for 2022 and at 64.77 percent for 2023. The inflation of staple foods, essential goods and services, however, is much higher than the general inflation and thus the inflation rate for the working population would be at about 80 percent.
The phenomenon of the economic growth in today’s Turkey, from the classes’ points of view, looks like this: For the bourgeoisie enormous profits and enrichment; for the working class and the toiling masses a decrease of their share in the wealth of society (relative poverty) and a decrease of the purchasing power of the workers’ and the working population’s wages (absolute poverty).
The high inflation fuels the dissatisfaction of the population.
According to official figures of the Ministry for Family and Social Affairs, almost 18 million of 86 million inhabitants rely on “help” by the state to make ends meet. That is 21 out of 100 people. About one in five! These figures do not only show that a considerable share of the people in Northern Kurdistan/Turkey cannot make a living from the wages they get, but also shows the extent of the exploitation and the injustice in the distribution of incomes.
This situation should actually be a call for revolt! Workers, working people, rise up! This systems promises you nothing but poverty!
Now, what has been the answer to this call for revolt from the exploited, oppressed part of society in the past five years?
In the last five years, too, there were workers’ struggles. Here some official figures, even if the real figures are somewhat higher:
— In 2020 there were 12 strikes (public services sector and private sector of economy) in 103 companies with 22,567 employees altogether. A total of 544 employees took part in these strikes. The strikes caused a loss of 55,600 work days altogether for the employers. On average, the strikes took 13 days. The share of participation in these 12 strikes was at around two out of ten thousand employees.
—In 2021 there were 16 strikes in 116 companies with 23,301 employees altogether. A total of 519 employees took part in these strikes. The strikes caused a loss of 104,340 work days altogether for the employers. On average, the strikes took 25 days. The share of participation in these 16 strikes was at around two out of ten thousand employees.
—The years 2022 and 2023 were significantly more active compared with the previous years in terms of working class struggles. Without any doubt, this is a positive development. But taking into account all actions of the years 2022 and 2023, we must recognize the following:
* The actions of the working class in the last five years including 2023 are actions of a small minority of the working class.
* The actions are mainly limited to economic demands such as wage increases/improvement of working conditions.
* The actions are mostly individual actions that develop “by themselves” and are detached from one another.
*Actions that go beyond economic demands are mainly actions that develop as solidarity actions against the dismissal of employees organized in trade unions and demand the right of trade-union organization at the workplace. These actions usually end with the dismissed employees receiving a severance pay and refusing to return to their workplace.
Today we cannot speak of an independent working-class movement. The few spontaneous class movements of the workers are either violently oppressed or rapidly monopolized by the trade unions or political parties of the bourgeoisie. Seeing the last five year as a whole and compared with the precious five years, we unfortunately cannot see an upswing of the working-class movement.
The Kurdish national movement and the struggle for democracy
The Kurdish national movement, the struggle for national rights, equality and democracy has been an important element of the struggle for democracy in North Kurdistan-Turkey. HDP/Greens Left/HEDEP/DEM, which represents the Kurdish movement on the legal level, has not been in able to achieve the goal of becoming a “democratic umbrella party” for Turkey as a whole, which includes all colors of the Left in North Kurdistan-Turkey and for which we have fought so hard. All steps in this direction brought no results under the pressure of Kurdish nationalism on the one hand, of Turkish nationalism on the other. Therefore the HDP, the strongest party of the legal Left in North Kurdistan in regard to mass support was not able to go beyond the status of a bourgeois-democratic Kurdish party where some former Turkish revolutionaries and elements of the liberal Left participated. But in the spirit of defending bourgeois democracy, including the quality of being a Kurdish party, it is also a party distinguished from the system parties of the ruling classes.
Since the PKK came to power in Rojava through the PYD with the support of the USA, it has increasingly become a target of attacks by the fascist Turkish state. In the barbaric war waged by the Turkish state in Rojava and South Kurdistan – partly supported by the KDP - the PKK forces suffered heavy losses. The PKK-guerilla organization in North Kurdistan has also been severely wounded by the intensive attacks of the Turkish state in the last five years.
Regarding this issue the Kurdish national struggle got estranged from being an independent protoganist vis-à-vis the ruling classes in North Kurdistan-Turkey and the imperialist powers on the international stage. From the point of view of the class struggle and the struggle for democracy in North Kurdistan-Turkey, due to its pursued policy, it becomes a reserve force of the current opposition wing of those in power. A large part of people at the grassroots level does not agree to this policy.
Moreover, in the last five years, there have been resistance and struggles of the
— farmers and environmental movement
— student youth movement
— women’s movement
In view of the oppressed and exploited in general, these are mainly economic-democratic demands. They are insufficient struggles in disarray which do not really threaten the ruling, capitalist system.
in all these partial struggles it is our task as communists to put the issue of the system on the agenda and to fight for putting it in the center of the struggle. This is valid in the struggles of women against patriarchy and for equality. This is valid for the struggles of migrants who create their own self-run organization. This is valid for the struggles of the oppressed peoples who rebel against imperialist interventions. This is valid for the struggles of the oppressed nations for their national rights.
It is valid for all struggles of all oppressed, all people deprived of their rights, all those, like the LGBTQ movement, who are defined, defamed, persecuted, and oppressed as being “different” by those in power .
The political development in our countries is and was mainly determined by the power struggle among those in power themselves.
In the struggle for power among the ruling forces the oppositional wing of the bourgeoisie, most of whom are of course in conflict with the present power, attempt to turn these struggles into an instrument of their own power struggle. It seems to welcome these struggles – as long as they are not too militant. And in many cases it succeeds to prevent that they transform into an anticapitalist struggle and develop their potential in this direction.
The politics of the lesser evil is the politics of the large majority of the “Left”.
The majority of the revolutionary left movement and the reformist legal Left had placed their hopes in the Kurdish national movement, the largest left opposition movement. The Kurdish national movement itself, however, determined their policy as one of hoping “to make Erdoğan/AKP lose, no matter who and how.” the natural result of this is the power struggle of the ruling forces.
The main task of the communists was and is party building.
The most important reason for this is that a strong communist leadership is lacking, who is well-tried in the class struggle and the has won over the progressive part of the working class for its ranks. We understand the strengthening of the construction of our Bolshevik party, which unfortunately is advancing rather slowly, as our main task and are working on this task as much as we can. We call on the communists in every country to tackle this task with all their strength.
Teoretical work on the agenda: Is the Turkish Republic an imperialist state?
The Turkish monopoly bourgeoisie, having strengthened itself in the 2000s, wants to join in the ongoing struggle of the imperialist powers for redivision as an independent political player. In the last five years the Turkish bourgeoisie undertook very important steps, in particular directed towards developing an arms industry and decreasing its dependence on foreign countries in the military field. This is a precondition for becoming a power that wants to be imperialist. The RTE/AKP government has taken very important steps to reduce the Republic of Turkey's foreign dependence on arms and ammunition by strongly supporting the development of the war industry. So much so that today the Republic of Turkey is able to produce almost three quarters of the arms and ammunition it needs for its army and navy itself. And what it produces is high-tech.
Moreover, during these five years, the RTE/AKP government has promoted the investments of Turkish big business in a number of African countries; it has not only expanded and developed its diplomatic relations but also declared that it is on the side of the African peoples and states in the struggle against the classical colonialist powers; it has participated with troops in the UN missions in these countries; as in the case of Libya, it has clearly participated in the war on the side of one side in the civil war. In the last five years, it has also staked its claims in the eastern Mediterranean and the Aegean and has carried out exploration activities for undersea resources in these areas with its own research vessels. In the Black Sea, it has added some of the fossil fuel resources found by its own exploration vessels on its continental shelf to its energy portfolio during this period. These measures are important steps towards reducing energy dependence.
Externally, the Turkish bourgeoisie has increased its presence in southern and western Kurdistan during this period under the guise of the ‘fight against terrorism’; it has determined the outcome of the war between Azerbaijan and Armenia with its support for Azerbaijan; it has paved the way for the expulsion of Armenians in Arzakh from their homeland.
In order to be able to participate in the redivision at all, the internal front must be strengthened. To this end, fascism is being intensified within the country, racism is being promoted, and open fascist terror is being exercised against the Kurdish national movement and any opposition, including bourgeois democratic opposition. Any resistance movement, any strike action, any demonstration that has potential for development is nipped in the bud with fascist terror. Colonialist wars of occupation are being waged abroad in Rojava, as we saw during the occupation in Cerablus and Efrin, and on the 50th anniversary of the occupation of Cyprus, the claims to power were trumpeted once again!
Turkey is a moderately developed capitalist country that has entered the process of imperialisation. It is a regional power in the Middle East. It is not yet in a position to free itself from the relations of dependence and become an independent imperialist country. The imperialist powers will do everything to prevent Turkey from becoming an independent imperialist power. Therefore, the imperialisation process of the Turkish Republic is a fragile process that can be interrupted.
Because of these developments the 12th Congress of BP NK-T has elevated the scientific analysis and evaluation of these processes to be the main topic of theoretical work of the next period.
Portugal (União Marxista-Leninista Portuguesa)
For Unity Across Borders in the Fight Against Imperialism and Fascism!
We are living in difficult times in which the contradictions of imperialism are worsening, jeopardising the historic conquests of the working class. Today, Portugal is facing the challenges of an imperialist system in crisis and is submissive to European imperialism, especially German imperialism. The so-called ‘Carnation Revolution’ of 1974, although celebrated as a milestone of freedom, was nothing more than a military coup to guarantee the survival of the bourgeois capitalist system, making the transition from fascism to bourgeois parliamentarism. The real goal of a proletarian revolution, which could have overthrown Salazar's fascist dictatorship, was blocked by the absence of a revolutionary Marxist-Leninist party capable of organising the working class and leading the socialist transformation.
This false idea of a peaceful revolution is still celebrated on 25 April, perpetuating illusions among the masses.
Today, the Portuguese Social Democratic government, under the influence of the dictates of European imperialism and international financial institutions such as the IMF and the ECB, is implementing policies that aggravate the exploitation and oppression of our class. The Portuguese big bourgeoisie, subordinated and an integral part of international financial capital, exports capital and subordinates the countries of the former colonies.
Portugal thus has a dual role: as part of the imperialist EU, it is an imperialist country and at the same time a victim of plundering by the EU's most powerful imperialists - it is an exploited and exploiting country. The destruction of national industry and the sale of the economy to foreign and national monopolies, which began with membership of the European Union, ended the monopoly state capitalism that emerged from the ‘Revolution’ and resulted in an economy dominated by tourism and services, sectors characterised by low wages and precarious working conditions.
Meanwhile, we see the rise of openly fascist parties which, taking advantage of popular discontent, seek to rehabilitate bourgeois parliamentarism and act as a tool to divide our class and divert the attention of the masses from the real causes of their oppression - capitalism. These forces have been built and adapted according to the interests of the national bourgeoisie, which recently announced its desire to fire more than 1.1 million workers in the coming years and knows that our class will not go down without a fight.
Spontaneous protests have increased in various sectors, especially in the public sector, with teachers, nurses and railway workers at the forefront. In the private sector, there are also movements among airport and transport workers, due to the overload and flexibilisation of work and low wages.
Our most current and relevant front of struggle involves workers in the automotive sector, especially at Faurécia, a supplier to Volkswagen Autoeuropa. Workers have been pushed into lay-off and continuous labour, with partial wages paid by Social Security, while their rights to family and rest are compromised. The first strike at Faurécia took place recently, and Autoeuropa workers have done the same before, forcing unions to act in defence of business interests with minimal concessions.
Against growing exploitation and the rising cost of living, the UMLP defends a 30-hour working week without loss of wages and compensation paid out of the capitalists' profits, rejecting class conciliation and organising the fight against the reactionary offensive on the streets.
However, the spontaneous nature of these struggles is an obstacle, as they rarely have prolonged success due to the influence of revisionist and reformist union leaders, who opt for class conciliation and ‘social peace’. In Portugal, trade union fragmentation, with around 385 unions, and the control of major centres such as the CGTP by the PCP and the UGT by the PS, have weakened the workers' struggle. The result is that since 1977, the unionisation rate has fallen dramatically from 63% to a mere 15.3%.
Another front of our action is the fight to protect nature, which is now being plundered by the mining industry, in a relentless search for lithium, promoting the opening of open-pit mines in favour of a ‘green economy’. We are fighting with the people against this crime against nature and humanity, carried out under the high patronage of the imperialist environmentalism of the European Union and its ‘European Battery Alliance’, all in order to compete with China and the USA for dominance of the battery markets.
The at-risk-of-poverty rate in Portugal, after social transfers, is 21.2 per cent. However, without this support, more than 42 per cent of the population would live in poverty, with almost half the country surviving on less than 600 euros a month. Our class, with contracts, itself has a rate of 10 per cent living in poverty.
This situation has contributed to us having the highest emigration rate in Europe and the 8th highest in the world. In the last 20 years, 15 per cent of the population has emigrated, including 30 per cent of young people. In total, around 2.3 million Portuguese live abroad. At the same time, the number of millionaires has grown by 23 per cent in just two years, with more than 166,000 Portuguese - 2 per cent of the adult population.
At this crucial moment, a Revolutionary Marxist-Leninist Party is needed in Portugal, one that organises and leads the working class in the struggle for true socialism. A party that is not afraid of anti-communism and that practises consistent proletarian internationalism, uniting our struggles with those of the oppressed masses around the world.
Comrades, we know that the problems we are facing in Portugal are not isolated, but rather a reflection of a global crisis of the imperialist system. That's why our struggle cannot be limited by the borders of one territory. The working class, both in Portugal and across borders, faces the same enemy: international finance capital and the fascism it breeds. The international struggle of the proletariat does not take place in isolation. The socialist revolution in each country will only be possible through dialectical interaction with international struggles. The real socialist revolution in Portugal depends on building a proletarian front that unites the struggles of the masses across borders. For us, the ICOR and this dialectical process is the realisation of Lenin's idea of the United Socialist States of the World.
Lenin's teachings are alive!
Proletarians of all countries, unite! The final victory will be ours!
Russia (Guest Contributor)
Situation in Russia.
The ruling group of the imperialist bourgeoisie has destroyed the other alternative contenders for power by 2021 and has established a fascist dictatorship in the country. The forced unification of society and years of chauvinist propaganda, as well as the weakness of the workers' and communist movements due to the domination of modern revisionism in Russia, allowed the Russian imperialists to successfully launch a large-scale war of aggression against Ukraine. This colonialist aggression has as its aim the seizure of new territories for the entry of Russian capital, the seizure of the natural resources of Ukraine, the access to new markets and the expansion of the neo-colonial empire of Russia, the assimilation or destruction of the Ukrainian nation. By diverting its profits, Putin's imperialist government has been able to bribe the broad layers of the working class, turning it into a labor aristocracy and its ally. On the other hand, the imperialist authorities in Russia are using mass repression and censorship against anyone who shows dissatisfaction.
However, the defeats at the front, the difficulties of functioning of the fascist political system (mismatch of interests between politicians, parties, etc.), the need to replenish the front with new soldiers, the constant interference of fascist ideologists in the everyday life of Russians (restriction of abortion, fight against "immorality", etc.), the desire of Nazi and ultranationalist elements in the state apparatus and repressive bodies to attack non-Russian inhabitants of Russia lead to the growth of contradictions. etc.), the desire of Nazi and ultra-nationalist elements in the state apparatus and repressive bodies to attack non-Russian residents of Russia lead to growing contradictions in Russian society. Previously non-antagonistic of them become antagonistic. Thus the main contradiction in Russia is fascist, genocidal war which Russia loses. In this war Russia has lost according to maximum estimates about half a million people, and killed the same number of Ukrainian soldiers.
Vivid examples of the situation in Russia are the Prigozhin riot, the movement of the wives of the mobilized, the riots in the national regions.
The conditions for a political crisis are growing in Russia, because the ruling imperialist group is running out of economic reserves to bribe the working class and the broad layers of the population. Too much money is spent on soldiers, on the war industry, on all kinds of payments and benefits to the population. The state budget of Russia for the coming years is designed as unprofitable and is supported by the reserves that the country accumulated before the war. After the end of the cash flow in Russia may be an acute economic crisis, which will be superimposed on other class, national, gender and other contradictions, as well as the catastrophic situation at the front. All this could lead to a political collapse and subsequent revolutionary changes in our country. Our organization is actively involved in making these prerequisites take shape in an organized form.
At the moment, however, we recognize that the conditions for a general crisis in Russia have not yet developed. Chauvinism and loyalty to the imperialist government are very strong in Russian society and will require both enormous work on our part and the maturation of each of the components of the crisis. Unfortunately, we must also note that after the Prigozhin revolt, the Russian imperialists have begun to realize their vulnerability and are trying to address some of the problems. They have also stepped up political repression. However, in parallel, they are making very gross mistakes in the national question, which may play its revolutionary role in the future, making the non-Russian nations of Russia and migrant workers a powerful political reserve for revolution. Or the pressure on migrants in conditions of labor shortages due to mobilization and mass recruitment campaigns will accelerate the onset of economic collapse, which will stimulate the onset of a general crisis and bring revolutionary changes closer.
Switzerland (Marxistisch-Leninistische Gruppe Schweiz)
Die idyll (pastoral scene) in the country of Heidi was never anything real, but now there are increasing doubts among the population in the much praised direct democracy.
Fake signatures for plebiscites have appeared, fake figures have appeared in ballot counts.
The rightward turn of the government can be seen in diverse measures:
Initiatives that had already had the approval of the population are being reversed by decree, without consulting parliament or the population. For example:
Wolves can be shot, new nuclear power plants be built, charges for Swiss television are being canceled, leading to thousands of jobs being cut.
The so-called „neutral Switzerland“ has already been called into question for a longer time. Switzerland does not belong to NATO, but it participates in NATO maneuvers and has entered the NATO sky shield. War loans are suddenly being given, amounting to more than 10 billion Swiss francs. Psychological warfare is increasing tremendously. Tanks and military appear in front of schools aiming at filling children with enthusiasm for war.
The economy is not exactly doing well either. Industrial production has declined by 0.6% in comparison to the same quarter last year.
Workers are being fired in various large factories of all branches. Switzerland is extremely dependent on exports. One of the largest retailers „Migros“ has gotten ridden of a number of divisions.
Inflation has declined in the meantime, it was at about 3.5%. For years pension were being attacked, poverty – especially among older workers - is extremely widespread.
Environmental destruction is more than visible in Switzerland, entire villages have been eradicated by rubble and landslides, the permafrost in the mountains can no longer hold the rocks together , ice shields are melting and massive rainfall is increasing this process.
With our Lenin exhibition on May Day and the Lenin Walk that we conducted twice on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Lenin's death, we were able to mobilize a lot of people. Each time 70 persons walked with us through the city. Lenin is greatly admired.
Anticommunist refusal to give us rooms in the city of Zurich
In connection with the Lenin celebrations we wanted to conduct a series of events in city rooms. These were denied with anticommunist motives.
We were accused of being antisemitic because of the slogan „Socialism from the river to the sea, the Jewish and Palestinian people will be free – Workers of all countries, unite“. On the contrary, it emphasizes the unity of the working class against its fascist oppressors.
With our internationalist position against imperialist war, we were able to provide clarity among the left forces that the working class should not let itself be implemented by any imperialist power, neither by Russia nor Ukraine. We were so able to organize two big demonstrations.
In the meantime, good demonstrations have also taken place on the streets against anti-semitic murder attacks against Jewish people in Switzerland, and to strengthen the joint struggle of the working class of Israeli and Palestinian workers against the occupation policies of imperialist Israel. Speeches were held saying that the class struggle must be put in the center against nationalist and social-chauvinist ideas.
Turkey-Kurdistan (Türkiye Komünist Partisi - Marksist-Leninist)
As is well known, the AKP led by Erdoğan has been ruling the country for twenty-two years without interruption. During this period, the AKP has not only governed, but has also captured almost all the power of government. It has never lost an election except the parliamentary elections of 7 June 2014 and the local elections of 31 March 2024.
AKP is a part of the "moderate Islam project" required by the Great Middle East Project of US imperialism, and in this way it was brought to power and to the co-chairmanship of the BOP with the support of the imperialists.
As a semi-colonial country, it is directly affected by all the economic and financial crises of the imperialist-capitalist system, and on the other hand, structurally produces crises itself. Although the AKP managed to achieve a certain economic growth in its first years with tight monetary policies and intensive privatisation, it has not been able to cope with the crisis, especially since 2018, and today the primary problem of the people of Turkey has become poverty. Until today, poverty could be covered up with debates over the secularism-sharia dichotomy, but with the extent of corruption, bribery, prohibitions and nepotism created by 22 years in power, poverty cannot be covered up in any way. As a matter of fact, for the first time in its history, the AKP's share of the vote has fallen to around 20 per cent. Because even though the AKP government tried to overcome the crisis by raises, by pulling the Turkish lira down against the dollar and by not giving raises to employees, the Turkish economy is no longer holding together.
While this is happening inside the country, the Turkish state is trying to strengthen its position by taking advantage of the sharpening contradictions between the imperialists. It is enjoying the fruits of this policy, especially by authorising the occupations in the territories of Iraq and Syrian Kurdistan. On the other hand, the policy of taking advantage of these contradictions does not change the fact that the Turkish state is a semi-colony of the USA. As a member of NATO, Turkey, as the closest country to the conflict zones, especially in the Middle East, maintains its position as an outpost of the US-British imperialists. This is so despite the warm image of its relations with Russia. As a matter of fact, the S400s purchased from Russia were left to rot in warehouses with the intervention of the USA-NATO. Again, during Israel's genocidal attacks on Palestine, while insulting and threatening Israel at the highest level, while sobbing to show that they are on the side of the Palestinian people (mainly HAMAS), they did not take a single step against Israel, expelled HAMAS representatives from the country and increased their trade with the Zionist state in this process. In this way, the Turkish state, which has no credibility in the eyes of neither Israel nor the Palestinians, has been left on the sidelines even in the so-called "peace-ceasefire talks", while appointing itself as the protector of the Palestinian people.
The economic crisis, the inconsistency in foreign policy, the refugees coming to the country uncontrollably, the corruption, nepotism, the social media posts of AKP rulers in luxury and splendour, etc. etc. etc. lead to anger and at the same time despair among the poor, labouring masses of the people. Voices are also being raised from the AKP base, but due to the reality of an unorganised people and the current situation of revolutionary movements, this has not yet led to a movement.
On the other hand, the attacks against the Kurdish nation and its struggle continued without losing any momentum. So much so that the trustee attack against the DEM Party mayors who came to power in the local elections was immediately put into action, and to the extent that all social dynamics united and resisted, the state was forced to step back from this policy. However, the Kurdish national question has gone back 30 years and today the attacks against the Kurdish language have gained momentum again, and even the weddings of the Kurdish people were raided and all participants, including the bride and groom, were detained when Kurdish folk songs were detected.
Against all these developments, the bourgeois opposition remained almost silent in the face of the AKP's actions. The CHP, in particular, has constantly shown the ballot box as salvation to the society. It prevented the masses from taking to the streets, seeking their rights on the streets and holding AKP to account on the streets. This attitude of the bourgeois opposition has always favoured the AKP. Today, for example, CHP deputies are sent to persuade the villagers to open the roads during the protests organised by the villagers by blocking the roads with their tractors. From the CHP to the AKP, from the MHP to the Iyi Party, when it comes to the "state", the water stops flowing and everyone rallies to the side.
No opposition party can make the people prosper in this order. This fascist state is the common denominator of all bourgeois parties. There is only a nuance difference between them. When each bourgeois party is in opposition, it is the essence of the bourgeois parties to reflect democracy, and when it comes to power, it is the essence of the dictatorship. 100 years of history of Turkey has always witnessed this.
In this picture, which we have briefly mentioned and in which the people have reached the point of explosion, the unions, which are the organisations of the working class, have been pacified step by step and some of them have been backed up by the AKP and some smaller ones have been backed up by the CHP. In addition to this, the revolutionary democratic movements have experienced and are experiencing a significant regression in the face of the total attacks of the state. In this situation, the most dynamic segment in the country has been the Kurdish movement, despite all its shortcomings, wrong alliances, etc.
This state of decline of the revolutionary movement has caused the Turkish revolutionary and communist movement to fail in confronting the aggression of the Turkish regime against the working class and the labouring people through the AKP governments and, moreover, to channel it into the revolutionary struggle for power. Of course, the organisations militarily positioned in Syrian Kurdistan as part of the Rojava Revolution (our party TKP-ML and MLKP, which are members of ICOR, are among them) stand out as the groups least affected by the wind of liquidationism.
In order to eliminate this weakness, to intervene in the course of events in the country, to stop the fascist attacks, many revolutionary organisations, including us, have joined forces and started to act in alliance. Of course, despite many positive processes and actions that found a certain response in public opinion, this alliance has not reached a situation that can meet the current situation in the country.
In fact, the United Revolutionary Movement, which was declared by the revolutionary and communist movements of Turkey, including the Kurdish national movement, coming together based on unity of action, represents the most advanced revolutionary stance in our geography. The United Revolutionary Struggle carried out in various forms and contents by the revolutionary and communist organisations within this organisation stands in a decisive place on the course of the class struggle in the coming period.
However, it should be emphasised that this situation, which is the longest alliance and unity of action in the country, has not progressed at the desired level. Although the revolutionary movement, including us, has long emphasised the importance and necessity of this and emphasised its importance, it has still not overcome this disorganised situation. Making the necessary effort for this is very important in terms of carrying the struggle forward.
Turkey-Kurdistan (Marxist Leninist Komünist Parti Türkiye / Kürdistan)
• Multinational Turkey is a capitalist country of medium development in which the capital oligarchy collaborates with the financial, industrial and commercial monopolies of imperialism. The country is a finance-economic colony of imperialism.
• But Turkey itself is also a colonial power, Turkish chauvinism and racism are essential aspects that influence the consciousness of the broad masses in the interests of the bourgeois state.
• The Turkish state colonizes Northern Kurdistan under the guarantee of the Lausanne Agreement and since then denies the existence of the Kurdish people, whose uprisings have been sealed by massacres in history.
• The state structure under the fascist leader Erdogan has been transformed into an aggressive expansionist fascist political Islamist presidential dictatorship.
• This process was prepared from long hand and heralded by an IS massacre against our youth organization in Suruc on July 20th 2015 on the border to the city of Kobane. This was followed by a period of unbridled state terror with further massacres, waves of arrests, bans, multifaceted waves of attacks on democratic rights and positions, by torture and murders.
• This restructuring process of the state was sealed by the 2017 constitutional referendum and the 2018 presidential elections, in which control was centralized with almost unlimited powers under the head of state and party leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the fascist political Islamist chief regime.
• The state was reorganized along with a wave of institutional cleansing. The judiciary, police, army, the secret service (MIT) and the entire bureaucracy were consolidated. Paramilitary structures, counter-guerilla organizations and other fascist structures were expanded or newly created. These years are characterized by uninterrupted colonial state terror and invasion attacks on Rojava and South Kurdistan, which are subjected to numerous air strikes. The state has immensely expanded its internal control mechanisms and security measures, and has modernized and developed its military complex. The state's preparations for war, both internally and externally, are in full swing and are primarily focused against the Kurdish national movement lead by PKK and the revolutionary parties, especially HBDH. In these times, we apply the revolutionary tactics of active defense.
• A distinguishing feature of the current regime is that fascist political Islamism has been made the official ideology of the state, influencing the entire education system and social life. A religiousisation of social life, the strengthening of the bourgeois family with hypocritical moralisations that even cover up on child abuse and further restrict women's freedom.
• A smear campaign against LGBTI is a characteristic of today's fascism, which also applies in Turkey.
• The country's economic situation is turbulent. Under the AKP regime, Turkey has become even more dependent on imports for industrial production and on international financial flows. Inflows of foreign capital, especially of ‘hot money’, were necessary for the growth of the economy. The recent slowdowns and blockages in capital inflows have increasingly prevented the regime from controlling both interest rates and the exchange rate simultaneously. Faced with successive shocks to the currency and interest rates, the regime's fiscal policy has focused on gradually lowering interest rates in order to maintain credit and debt in Turkish lira and stimulate the domestic economy. This served in particular to protect the regime-backed capital organisation MÜSİAD.
• Erdoğan has decided to accept rising inflation and the associated growth in poverty in order to avoid a potential wave of insolvencies and in connection a wave of unemployment. Inflation, which according to research by independent institutions is 90.35 per cent, and the rise in the cost of living have led to a significant fall in real wages. The proportion of indebted households has also grown, leading to alarming social inequality and increasing social misery.
• The majority of migrant and refugee labourers in Turkey, especially Syrians and Afghans, are employed under the worst working conditions. Child labour is very widespread among them. They have become the target of racist attacks and pogroms.
• Kurdistan has been handed over to the colonial rule of Iraq, Iran and Syria after the 1st imperialist war of partition by the imperialist colonial rulers of England and France.
• Situation and development differ widely in the parts of Kurdistan, the level of national liberation reaches from a US-backed collaborating autonomous administration that is divided within itself in South Kurdistan (Iraq) to the democratic anti-colonial women liberating autonomous administration in West Kurdistan (Syria) and massive oppression and persecution as well as decade-long armed struggle in North Kurdistan (Turkey) and East Kurdistan (Iran).
• The development in the separate parts of Kurdistan influences the other parts and bears an enormous revolutionary explosive force for the entire region, which can break the status quo of imperialism and colonialism. The national democratic struggle of the Kurdish people is one of the most important revolutionary and democratic dynamics in the region. This was visible in 2022 in the Jina Amini mass uprising. The Kurdish people was in the forefront of this uprising in a self-sacrificing manner, which was an uprising for freedom of the peoples, workers and women.
• The most progressive level of freedom of the Kurdish people has been won in Syria-Rojava.
• Among the tens of thousands of fallen are the internationalists of different countries and Turkish revolutionaries, who stand for the break with their bourgeois state. The existence of the revolutionary party manifests itself today in the existence of the Armenian battalions. On the other hand, proletarian internationalism and the fraternity of peoples is strengthend by the development of local mass organizations like the revolutionary communist movement (TKS), who represents a socialist national-liberative program and by the ICOR calls, like for the environmental struggle day or for solidarity with Palestine.
• Rojava is subjected to uninterrupted attacks of the Turkish colonial state. Revolutionary pioneers are attacked from the air. On the other hand, imperialist powers are trying to stop and integrate the revolution from both sides, both from USA and from Russia. The embargo and multifaceted attacks lead the revolution to grave problems.
• From the viewpoint of the freedom of Kurdistan, the situation in South Kurdistan is most critical. In South Kurdistan are the strategically important guerrilla areas in the mountains. On the other hand the US-backed collaborating Barzani family party KDP is in power there, which – together with the Turkish colonial state – does a lot of damage to the cause of Kurdish freedom for small gains. The Medya defense areas, that is the liberated mountains, are subject to the danger of strategic attacks by the Turkish colonial defense armed forces, which have been consolidated in the region. This situation has to get the attention and quick response capabilities of the entire revolutionary world movement. This base is one of the few revolutionary armed bases of world revolution.
Ukraine (Koordinazionnyj Sowjet Rabotschewo Dvizhenij)
Dear comrades,
unfortunately already two years and a half of the imperialist war in Ukraine have passed, and an end is not in sight. On one hand the hypocritical Putin regime is continuing its barbaric invasion of our country pursuing its egoist interests. On the other hand the western imperialists continue their greedy policy and do not care about the Ukraine workers at all. Meanwhile every day peaceful people are killed, buildings, fates and lives are destroyed.
Under these circumstances the living standard of the common people in Ukraine has decreased drastically during the war, and this tendency continues. The prices for food and commodities of every day needs are also increasing as the tariff for supply services, and the wages remain at the level before the war or even go down. Even due to official statistics already more than 65 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. Many million of women and men have fled abroad or within the own country, and there number is always growing in front of the background of the barbaric hits of the Putin interventionists on cities in Donbass, on Kharkow, Odessa, Kyiv and many other cities, on buildings, hospitals, schools and kindergartens.
In this situation the tiredness of war and the wish for peace are growing in the population. In the big cities rallies are taking place in general for peace as well as for the rights of the soldiers in the army most of which have been at the front since the beginning of 2022 and do not have the right to demobilization, partly not even for a front holiday. Until now, however, such rallies did not take place very often. Probably the continuation of the war will lead to even more anti-war-rallies in the future. This does not mean that the right is on the side of the interventionists, it means that there is no “right side” in this war.
At the same time there is still a certain enthusiasm among the masses to support the fight against the Russian aggression: There are broadly organized campaigns to collect money for the front, medical care, various material and spare parts etc. In the areas occupied by Putin's troops resistance groups exist in the cities or “on the field”, having its origin “from below” by self-organization. These people honestly fight against the Kremlin imperialists as a terrible evil which came over the Ukraine country and brings destruction and death.
Our task as organization remains to explain the events and processes from a class point of view including the fact that it is not only about Russian imperialism but that also western imperialism exists and is active in Ukraine. Many people take such conclusions spontaneously and independently, but are developing doubts under the influence of the pro-western propaganda.
We feel very sorry that we cannot be present in person but our spirit and our thoughts are with the ICOR, with you, dear comrades. No imperialist will succeed to break proletarian internationalism living here in Ukraine in our hearts now and in future.
Workers of all countries, unite!
Palestine (Sympathisanten der PFLP, Germany)
Dear struggling comrades,
I convey my greetings of the front and the comrade, the fighting General Secretary Ahmed Saadat who is detained in the occupier's jails, and of the comrade, the fighting Deputy General Secretary Jamil Mezher and his colleagues in the leading bodies on behalf of the comrades fighting in positions facing fascism, brutality and the aggression army, killing and annihilation. Today we address you and are aware of the price that life under the system of imperialist brutality and the decrease of the ability of the left for collaboration and unity brings along. We are aware of that because we pay the price of imperialist hegemony with our blood as our people, our comrades are being annihilated in the truest sense of the word without any deterrence despite of its courage in the face of tanks and the Israeli arsenal of lethal weapons.
Since 7 October the Israeli occupation has been starting an intensive annihilation campaign against the Palestinians in the Gaza strip, during which more than 40,000 Palestinians, most of them children and women, have been killed and more than 100,000 have been injured. The aggression destroyed hospitals as well as medical and other vital facilities. 32 out of 35 hospitals in operation have been destroyed in the Gaza strip in addition to the displacement of 90 percent of the population. Since the beginning of the aggression the Gaza strip has been highly besieged in the framework of the biggest systematic hunger operation requiring the inhabitants' life in the Gaza strip every day. Later the occupying forces extended their aggression also to the West Bank and aggravated it with invasions and comprehensive military operations against refugee camps, cities and villages in the West Bank as well as air strikes. In the recent two months these are also on the agenda and have been extended to wide areas of Lebanon and Syria, raids have also been carried out in the country of Yemen.
The declared goals of aggression and genocide war: The head of government and ministers as well as the speaker of the army and representatives at the United Nations and international institutions have announced a lot of targets for their war against the Palestinians. We can summarize the following targets:
1. Revenge for the successful operation of 7 October 2023 being carried out by Palestinian resistance formations against the military garrison of the occupation force, besieging the Gaza strip, attacking its inhabitants, committing massacres for several decades and preventing that Palestinians repeat this operation.
2. Permanent displacement of Palestinians from the Gaza strip through forced deportation or pressure for emigration through so-called military pressure, a position being supported by at least four ministers of the occupation government.
3. The complete destruction of the Gaza strip. The ministers of the occupation government who are directly responsible for the genocide used expressions like “set back of Gaza by 100 years” and “move down Gaza to the stone age” which the occupation indeed achieved in a nearly perfect way.
4. Occupation of the Gaza strip and control of Palestinians' life once again, a goal to which the prime minister of the occupation force adheres from the very beginning of the war against the Gaza strip every day in dozens of statements and speeches.
5. Prevention of the foundation of a Palestinian state in the occupied West Bank or in the besieged Gaza strip which has been occupied, too. This is also an important goal to which the occupation government adheres, taking into account that the Palestinians could achieve any kind of independence or a semi-independent entity as a threat for the existence of the occupation power and its state.
6. Liberation of the detainees which the Palestinian resistance captured during its military operation on 7 October 2023 after the collapse of the military garrison and the surrender of a number of soldiers to the Palestinian resistance fighters. The armed forces only succeeded in rescuing six of these detainees alive while others were killed during the raids. According to separate announcements of the occupation troops and the Palestinian resistance at least 30 to 50 detainees are still in the sector.
7. Elimination of the Hamas movement, a target which the occupation implements in campaigns for mass killings of families, children and women with the claim that this contributes to eliminate Hamas.
Official statistics of the occupation's damage have not been published. Other Palestinian members of the resistance claim that 15,000 Palestinians of the resistance out of 41,000 people have been killed. This confirms our vision that our solidarity with the death of the victims is a weak solidarity without defending the right for resistance, struggle, pursuit and achievement of rights which ignores the reality of the imperialist colonial system and takes sides for exposure.
The people of the world and our people in Palestine admit their right to struggle and confrontation and demand being content with the role as victims getting sympathy, but no rights, financial support of hundreds of thousands tons of weapons which the imperialist system is sending to kill our people. We believe that the necessary position means to strengthen the demands of the Palestinian people and to defend its right to resistance against what is called one of the most horrible annihilation wars in human history committed by one of the most racist, fascist regimes with support of governments of the European Union and the United States.
Progressive forces and groups in the world in solidarity with the Palestinian people are called to escalate the struggle and to organize the biggest protest activities because the one year anniversary of the genocide war, which the Israeli occupation is waging against the Palestinian people in the Gaza strip, lies ahead. We renew the call to consider the first week of October as a time of solidarity with Palestine and the defense of the people's rights. We emphasize that the annihilation campaign has increased regarding cruelty and brutality and is extended to the whole occupied Palestinian areas with the support and partnership of the United States and European countries. We emphasize the necessity that the forces of solidarity with Palestine together with the movements and groups against war and imperial and colonial policy were to escalate their protest activities and all forms of pressure on the colonial government participating in the annihilation campaign against the Palestinian people. The pressure for boycott and isolation of Israel is increasing at all levels. We claim to determine an escalating schedule for protests to express the legitimate demands of the Palestinian people including the stop of the genocide war and the prosecution of the criminals.