Forward with ICOR! – Forward with the struggle for liberation, democracy, freedom and socialism!
I. With great success, the 5th World Conference of ICOR took place in Europe in September 2024. Delegates from 27 countries, all in all 32 delegations, took part in this Conference, which reached a quorum of more than 50%. Five guest organizations participated on invitation of the ICC. The 5th World Conference of ICOR stood out for its intense and deep ideological-political debate amidst rapidly changing conditions of the imperialist world system. It was based on a grown relationship of trust and struggle for mutual respect. The whole conference was characterized by the struggle for a proletarian culture of debate, which, in view of the great tasks before ICOR, gains in importance.
II. During the World Conference, the Continental Conferences Europe and Asia took place. Continental meetings of Africa and America followed up on the Continental Conferences that had taken place just previously, and a regional meeting of Middle East took place.
III. The revolutionary youth of the participating organizations held a heart-felt commemoration for deceased Marxist-Leninists and revolutionaries, representative of the many who have died since the last ICOR World Conference, and pledged to carry on the torch.
IV. The introductory decisions were taken with an overwhelming majority. The Main Coordinator, the Europe and Africa Coordinators and the Financial Officer were elected as the presidium.
V. In the center of the first two days were the introductory speech of the Main Coordinator, the country reports of each delegation, and the discussion of the world economic and political situation as well as the report of the ICC, which was unanimously adopted.
1. Imperialism is plunging humanity into life-threatening crises that threaten its very existence: a growing tendency towards fascism, the danger of a third world war with a nuclear risk, and the deepening of the global environmental catastrophe.
2. The world economic and financial crisis in many countries and the greed for profit are having a huge impact on the working class, peasants and the broad masses. Inflation, impoverishment, increased cost of living, lower wages, etc. are a means to extract more surplus value from the masses. The revolutionary parties have to give this more room on their agendas.
3. The discussion confirmed the uneven development, which leads to further wars for the redivision of the world. The growing danger of a world war and the preparation for it by the imperialists are increasing. Those in power try to massively influence the search for a social alternative, which the ICOR organizations are experiencing everywhere, to take it on another course.
4. It became very clear that all organizations are actively discussing and deepening the analysis of the rapid and huge changes in the imperialist world system. The comrades from the neocolonially oppressed and exploited countries and the comrades from the capitalist and imperialist countries condemned the expansionist or imperialist policies of the ruling class of US imperialism, EU imperialism, Turkey and India, especially in Africa. The controversy about the thesis of the emergence of new imperialist countries was brought up in different discussions.
5. The discussion was forward-looking and focused on how the Marxist-Leninist parties and organizations ca play a leading role in mass struggles, uprisings and revolutionary situations, for which the comrades from Kenya, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and India shared their recent experiences. As a consequence it was discussed to strengthen revolutionary party-building.
6. The short presentation of the 32 country reports was enriching for the discussion, and many comrades agreed that there should be more reports on the tasks and experiences since the last world conference and its decisions. Many comrades talked about the instability of imperialism, the fascist and rightward development, and the growing struggles of the masses and working class. The fascist development inside the imperialist countries is preparation for aggression and war against other countries and the suppression of uprisings and revolutions.
7. The introductory speech gave an overview of powerful workers’ struggles in the last three years. But the discussion also evaluated that the practical coordination and cooperation of the workers’ struggles, especially in the production networks of the international monopolies like Volkswagen, are not developed enough. There is no proletarian revolution without the leading role of the working class, which the ICOR organizations must work for.
8. The war in the Ukraine was discussed as an unjust imperialist and inter-imperialist war of aggression, where the struggle has to be directed against imperialist Russia and the Zelensky regime, which is backed by and collaborates with NATO, EU, and the USA as the main warmonger. Some delegations characterized Ukraine as a fascist government. The war has to be transformed into civil war, as Lenin said.
9. There was agreement that the global environmental catastrophe and environmental crisis are aggravated by the worldwide rightward development of governments and the fascist danger this poses. Only a socialist society, in which the paradigms for production, consumption and distribution are oriented towards the unity of humankind and nature, can still offer people a future.
10. Comrades reported about increased repression, prison, torture, killings – calling for immediate public solidarity and to raise the consciousness about security concerns.
11. The conference emphasized the anti-revisionist and anti-reformist stance of ICOR for attracting the masses to a socialist future and answering the questions and necessities they have. We cannot overestimate the fact that ICOR today is very united in the main and seeks unity in regard to new phenomena and essential changes in a thorough way. This is attractive to other revolutionary parties, for which ICOR has an open door.
12. The 5th World Conference made strong efforts to apply the dialectical method to the various issues discussed and be precise in the determination and solution of unity and struggle in the contradictions.
13. The discussion was an important unification in the battle of the proletarian ideology against the bourgeois ideology and a good preparation for the seminar “Lenin’s Teachings Are Alive!”
VI. The participants had an evening in solidarity with Palestine. All ICOR organizations present agreed on the full support of the Palestinian Liberation Struggle with a revolutionary-democratic perspective on the way to socialism. The common ground and the joint practical solidarity were not blocked by the differences yet to be resolved.
VII. The ICOR Women held a separate meeting at which experiences were exchanged and perspectives for the women’s liberation struggle were discussed. These were presented in a resolution, such as on campaigning for the socialist roots of the women’s movement during 8th March, organizing international delegations to women’s actions and strikes, support for the World Women’s Conference and the theoretical women’s seminar, and organizing ICOR women’s conferences and coordination.
VIII. ICOR revolutionary youth organizations conducted a meeting to advance their work. A resolution on youth was adopted with a clear plan. ICOR has already seen a younger representation for a future generation change in the world conference, and it rejuvenated its bodies with young revolutionaries in the elections.
IX. Conclusions for the work of ICOR
The last World Conference prepared us for quick, often unforeseeable changes and also revolutionary developments. That started to become reality as soon as we parted three years ago.
ICOR must develop its practical cooperation and coordination higher and carry out offensive campaigns.
a) ICOR will find suitable ways to exchange experiences about the work among the working class, especially in the big industrial factories and the trade unions.
b) The 5th World Conference confirms the decision of the previous World Conference to intensify consciousness building and education about imperialism and the changes in the conditions of the imperialist world system and to extend this work by the understanding of fascism.
c) A new Region Middle East was formed, which already held its first regional conference and elected regional coordinators.
d) The 5th World Conference decided to intensify the unbreakable solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle against the genocide of the Palestinian people by the Zionist Apartheid regime. This baseline was enriched with decisions ranging from protest activities to the reconstruction of a hospital in Gaza.
e) ICOR will organize a week of solidarity with the Palestinian liberation struggle from October 1st to 7th, 2024.
f) The decision to publish a second edition of the online journal on Palestine is reconfirmed.
g) ICOR will organize an international anti-imperialist support campaign for the protests against the NATO 2026 summit in Turkey.
h) The ICOR organizations campaign for broad antifascist alliances and wage an offensive struggle against fascism themselves.
i) The participation of comrades from the youth organizations in the conference shall strengthen ICOR.
j) ICOR will make increased use of social media and improve the website of ICOR to increase its popularity and win new members.
X. ICOR has spent financial reserves to extend the activities, meetings and conferences. We must jointly develop financial work higher by collecting donations among the masses and undertaking mutual projects to collect donations. The discussion came up with creative ideas to generate revenues.
XI. The 5th World Conference defended the principles of ICOR and declared its solidarity against accusations. An appropriate resolution was adopted unanimously.
XII. The Conference elected a new ICC as well as auditors. Comrade Monika Gärtner-Engel was elected Main Coordinator, Comrade Hatem Laouini Deputy Main Coordinator, and Comrade C.G. Suwash Financial Officer. Elected as Continental Coordinators were Benedict Wachira for Africa, Jovino Nuñez for the Americas, Sanjay Singhvi for Asia, and Jeroen Toussaint for Europe. The elections, with the full number of possible votes in most cases, expressed a high level of trust in the candidates.
Three new organizations from Asia were admitted as members. The Conference updated the list of member organizations concerning parties that no longer exist or have left ICOR.
XIII. The 5th World Conference passed resolutions on
• Struggles of the working class;
• Freedom for Palestine, for a socialist Palestine;
• Stand firm against fascist danger!
• Solidarity with the protracted people’s wars in India, the Philippines, Turkey and Kurdistan;
• The ICOR Youth;
• No cross-front! No unity with fascists!
• Solidarity with Palestine;
• Liberation of Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, Ahmed Saadat, Khalida Jarrar and all the Palestinian prisoners;
• The Bangladesh uprising;
• Ethnic cleansing in Manipur, India;
• Rape & murder of a doctor in Kolkata;
• The society-changing environmental struggle against the global environmental catastrophe;
• Against the political persecution of the movement for amnesty and fundamental rights of Peru;
• Annexation and occupation of Nepali territories by India;
• The perspectives for ICOR Women!
• Fight Turkish colonialism everywhere!
• Against the long-standing occupation of Cyprus;
• On Venezuela.
XIV. The Conference was excellently self-organized by a multilateral organizational staff. With 115 comrades, among them 21 international brigadists, a new quality of multilateral collaboration was reached.
Forward with ICOR!
Forward with the struggle for liberation, democracy, freedom and socialism!
Forward to socialism and communism!
Workers of all countries, unite!
Workers of all countries and oppressed peoples, unite!
Workers of all countries and all oppressed, unite!