Seminar "Lenin's Teaching lives" Block 1

Imperialism and Zionism: Two facets of the same coin — No fight against Imperialism without fighting zionism

PPDS Tunisia Hatem Laouini, 

It is with great pleasure, honor and respect that we meet here in Germany to celebrate the 100 anniversary of Vladimir Elitch Elianov Lenin the great revolutionary leader and teacher of international proletariat together with millions of communists in all over the world.

2024 was ICOR Lenin year and ICOR parties celebrated the 100 anniversary everywhere and this seminar teachings of Lenin crowns all those celebrations. We in PPDS Tunisia have the honor to invite you to our Lenin seminar to be organized in Tunis on 24 and 25 october 2024.

My contribution entitled Zionism and Imperialism two facets of the sane coin No fight against Imperialism without fighting zionism will shed some light on the Lenin teachings on the Jewish question; Zionism and Imperialism and the alive leninist lessons of the necessity and revolutionary task for communists to combat and struggle against Zionism together with imperialism,

In fact the genius of Lenin and his clairvoyance and strategic thinking made Lenin the first to expose and denounce Saykes Picot colonial agreement between France and Britain and rejected Belford Promise ans clearly rejected the idea of a state for jewish people and chareterized it as a reactionary idea and early put the basis for a clear position of communists against zionism and linked it to imperialism as it was an imperialist idea endorsed and supported by imperialism.

And history showed that Lenin was right.

Lenin was clearly and firmly against Zionism and against the creation of a state for jews and firmly against the demands of bonds to have special section for jews or special autonomy.

Lenin clearly wrote on this in response to the Bond party that ‘’The idea of a jewish proletarian is a a false idea‘’ and he fiercely opposed them and their demands of special organization and special tratment and this is in the same line with what he said clearly “Can a nation be free if it oppresses other nations?“ It can not.

Lenin opposed to the bond and criticized them when they withdrew from the second congress of the Russian Socialist Democratic Party in 1903.

And this is clear revolutionary position against the chauvinistic racist theory of a nation for jews hence against Zionism and against the creation of a state for jews.

In 1897 Theodore Hertzel led the founding congress of Zionism in Bazel; Switzerland and launched the Zionist racist theory totally endorsed and supported by Imperailsm .An ideology for Jewish people their main basis is to create a statefor Jewish people,

Few years later in 1917 British imperalism endorsed zionism and supported the Zionist quest to found a state for Jews and then Belford annopunced the Belford promise of Britain to offer them Palestine then colonized by the British ; it was the promise of those who dont own the land to those who do neither own it or have the right to it .And right after the victory of Bolshevik revolution Lenin the leader of Bolsheviks and the first President of Soviet Union exposed Sakes and Picot imperialist agreement to divide the middle east and fiercely opposed Belford promise.

Hence the Zionist entity of Israel is an oppressing entity and illegal state that has no right to exist , It is the spearhead of imperialism and the advanced military tool of imperialism in the middle east to divide it and then rule it.

Since 1920s Zionists founded the Jewish entity that started to prepare for creating Israel by stealing Lands and then sent Zionist armed milicias like Hagana to Palestine to Kill Palestinians and spread terror to clean the ground for the Nekba and then occupy the land and the country and declare their State , For more then “ decades the Zionist milicias committed the worst massacres in Dir Yassin … and killed thousands of people and forced them toi flee the country in the Nekba.

All of those massacres were committed with British arms and finances , It was the realization of the Imperialist Belford Promise which clearly makes Israel an Imperialist project from the very begining endorsed and financed by British Imperialists and the by USA ,Germany and EU.

Since the creation of Israel and for more then decades UK , USA and EU have spent trillions of dollars as donations to Israel and built Israeli Zionist entity from the scratch ;offered them nuclear Bomb.

With Aipac in USA and zionist lobbies Israel became the 51st state of USA as USA is the biggest financer and arms provider and the zionist pressure Germany became the second biggest provider of army and second biggest financer of Israel.

USA; UK and Europe later EU have always been the protector;sponsor and financer and arms provider of Israel in all of circumstaces but in USA supporting Israel has become with time the main and most important condition to win elections at all levels froim governors to senate to congress to presidential.

USA? UK and France have always been the protector and supporter of Israel at UN and all the international institutions of the so called international community.

In the war of 1967 and 1973 USA backed abd defended Israel and saved them politically and diplomatically from the military defeat of 73 and USA excerted the worst forms of pressure on Saddat to stop the advancing of Syrian and Iraqi tropps to liberate Gollan heights ;and Jordan troops from liberating Senai andEgyptian troops from liberating Jerusalem.

Same support to Israel was given and provided to Israel in all its crimes and genocides for more than 100 years US ; British and European Imperialism forces as well as Russians and chinese but with much less spectrum and dimension were providing Israel with protection.

However since the 1970 s Israel has become itself an imperialist power and also part of the the imperialist plans and tactics of USA ,UK mainly hence Israel because the imperialist tool in many African and Asian countries providing military and police trainig on different fieldsand providing security services as well espionnage services and mainly arming and protecting dictators in full cooperation and collaboration with USA and other imperialist forces.

For instance The arrest of ABO Ujallan in Kenya in 1999 by CIA ; Mossad and Turkish intelligence was example of the advanced collaboration between these agencies and how strong Israel is in Africa:

Another example in Togo Israel is now directing the main port in the country which provides arms to Sahel countries;

Since october the 7th and the continuous genocide in Gaza Imperialist forces has been providing a cover for Israel; Supporting them militarily and financiually to continue their genocide . Even worse USA ; Germany and all EU are highly developped arms and sophisticated technical support

When Iran attacked Israel as a response to the bombardement of its embassy in Syria ; it was USA and its puppets in the regions that blocked the Iranian missiles.

For all of this we would like to conclude by sayoing that Zionist entity of Israel have become the spearhead of Imperilism and the most important and most sophisticated military and security apparatus in the hands of Imperialism and Zionismto impose hegemony of Zionism and imperialism not only in the middle east but also in all over the world;

Hence fighting against imperialism; zionism and zionist entity of Israel must go hand in hand: No fight against Imperialism without fighting zionism.