Seminar “Lenin’s teachings are alive” Block 4


OAPCM (Supporting Organization of the Communist Party of Mexico), 

Deepl translation

The teachers of the proletariat, Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin and Mao, point out that the national liberation movements are basically just wars against the colonial and semi-colonial oppression of the peoples by the imperialist countries.

The teachings of great Lenin about the national liberation movements are of such importance that it is not possible at this time to refer to the deep crisis of capitalism in imperialism to its proletarian position, without taking into account the concrete forms that have adopted national liberation struggles in different countries.

It is of great importance to understand that the Palestinian resistance, as in Lebanon, and others in the world, are national liberation movements, and that is why it is wrong to turn against a firm support of these movements with false political positions.

The laws of the necessary preparations for US imperialism and NATO for a Third World War on all continents are currently facing great problems. The weakness or absence of communist parties is a fundamental problem to be solved.

Lenin himself clearly states that in the imperialist phase of capitalism he advocates the democratic republic as the best state form for the proletariat in capitalism, but without forgetting that wage slavery is the fate of the people, even in the most democratic bourgeois republic.

Lenin teaches us that by obtaining political independence the exercise of the self-determination of the now independent nations is achieved, i.e. their state separation from the whole of the other nation, i.e. an independent nation state, which creates better conditions for capitalist development. Thus, a country ceases to be a colony or semi-colony, and forms itself as an autonomous state with the status “dependent” and has the sovereignty over its territory.

For this reason, Lenin argues that national self-determination cannot eliminate economic dependence - and cannot eliminate - which is associated with the domination of financial capital, an economic dependence that cannot disappear as long as capitalism exists.

To substantiate this in his confrontation with the erroneous positions of Rosa Luxemburg, Lenin says that the “norwegian independence” achieved in 1905 was only political. It cannot change the economic dependence of Sweden. Norway had obtained political self-determination, but for example, British financial capital had a great influence on its policy (like German capital on Sweden).

The teaching of the national liberation struggles and movements after the Second World War in Asia, Africa and Latin America is that they have put heavy blows to imperialism and colonialism and at the same time weakened the foundations of their domination.

In this respect, Lenin felt that the struggle against imperialism is inseparably linked to the revolutionary struggle for overcoming capitalism; and it is true that the objective facts have shown that the tasks for completing the national-democratic revolution in Africa have not yet been fulfilled. With this doctrine, the triumph of the New Democratic Revolution was achieved in 1949 under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party and President Mao Tse-tung, by continuing the military and political struggle against imperialism to defend the independence of the country, not only in economic terms, but also with regard to its complete national liberation.

Although many semi-colonial and colonial countries have gained political independence after the victory of their national liberation movements, imperialism still maintains various types of privileges that violate their sovereignty and independence, in military, political and economic terms.

In short, all these privileges are without exception violating the sovereignty and independence of the peoples concerned and violating the fundamental rights of the peoples.

Imperialism not only controls the most important branches of production and the lives of the economy of many countries, but also the international market, controls the prices of industrial products, buys cheaply and sells expensively, carries out an unequal trade exchange and brings enormous damage to the peoples.

The experiences of the peoples of America, Africa and Asia have also led to the realization that the achievement of political independence is only the first step towards complete national liberation. Political independence and economic independence are inextricably linked.

Political independence is the basic prerequisite for economic independence, which in turn can only be consolidated with the realization of complete economic independence, by fully exploiting national resources and by progressively advancing the industrialisation of the respective countries, so that they convert the dependent economy taken over from the past into an independent economy and at the same time transforming the economy producing a product into a diversified economy and can gradually increase the material and cultural standards of their peoples.

This is the path that leads the peoples to build up socialism and the establishment of the socialist nation on the firm basis of Lenin's teachings, which were applied creatively not only in the construction of the USSR, but also in the construction of socialist China from 1949 to 1976.

It is therefore correct to draw lessons from the international experience of the proletariat in the construction of socialism from the relationship between the support for its own efforts and international aid based on equality and mutual cooperation. To support one's own efforts is the cornerstone of the revolution and the construction of the socialist nation.

It is the central task to learn to consistently apply the spirit of proletarian internationalism, to support the national liberation movements and to oppose the predatory policy of imperialism, which prevents the full exercise of our political independence and the establishment of our own destinies towards a socialist society.

We must make ourselves aware, comrades, that the laws laid down by Marx, our invincible ideology, are inextricable and independent of the will of men. It is about taking them over, above all, to bring about the global defeat of US imperialism and its instrument, NATO. It is essential, comrades, that there are Marxist-Leninist-Maoist communist parties.

The expulsion of the US and NATO police and military forces from our countries is a compelling task that we all have to face.



National Independent Teaching Front (FMIN)

Support organisation of the Communist Party of Mexico, Marxist-Leninist-Maoist