Lenin and the Revolutionary Party Building
When discussing the concept Lenin expressed in relation to the Revolutionary party building, it is not adequate enough just to repeat only the slogans. What is important is not just to imitate or to use his words but to study his thinking pattern while addressing these issues. To learn the lessons in the successes of Lenin in various areas and to compare them against current situations that are different, is imbedded in the studying of his thinking pattern. What Lenin stated about the Revolutionary Party then hasn’t changed much in quality in comparison from then to now. What he thought then is still valid today. But it is important to understand his concept from the beginning. For that reason we need to start from the existence of Capitalism, as the need of having the Revolutionary party is to topple Capitalism.
Capitalism has been born with its death marked on its head. There are pillage issue in the mechanism of the Capitalism itself. Its own destruction is highlighted in the contradictions of its own relativity. As an example, every time the Capital try to increase its profits the profit margins collapses. In an example when they concentrate in increasing the technology to increase profits, the reduction of labour due to the expansion of technology, results in the decrease in the value of the balances which will in result in another round of profit depredation. Today when we see global capitalists singing praises of artificial intelligence, they reminds us of the ancient Greek historical story of citizens of Troy who welcomed the Trojan horse with festivities, who brought their total destruction. That why Marx said that Capitalism produces grave diggers to dig its own grave. The crisis of Capitalism is incurable inherent contradictions.
Because of this crisis in Capitalism, the lives of a broader section of the population descents into a crisis. In the face of this crisis, in order to stay alive Capitalism will only try to increase the exploitation, and the pillage of public safety funds and through the destruction of the environment. As a result of the crisis in the inherent contradictions of Capitalism it creates raptures in the social economical and political structure. In most instances people build their own cabins inside these Ruptures and get imprisoned in them. They are expecting to achieve a relative comfort in their lives by doing so. Because at the moment they don’t understand this crisis as the crisis of Capitalism. They understand it as a crisis in Capitalism. As a result they develop an incline to stay safe until the crisis is over. They will not come to a conclusion to change the capitalist economy or to put an end to the state power of the capitalists on their own. As Lenin states, even the working class achieves its wisdom is through trade unions. What that only wisdom is, the consciousness of that through united struggles they can bring some comforts to their lives.
The cabins they create inside these Raptures takes different shapes. Environmentalism, Feminism, human rights, anti-cultural movements, Nationalistic anti-imperialism movements, anti-globalisation fronts, social welfare organisations, movements against Racism, Movements against myth, movements for Non-alcoholism and movements for social justice can be named as some of these numerous cabins. The common characteristic of these are, that without considering that these issues are linked to the crisis of Capitalism, and without considering the link between Capitalism and these issues, they are trying to resolve them. These efforts are to expect a solution without even challenging Capitalism, staying within the capitalist economic system while accepting the state power of the Capitalist elite, is nothing but a feeble attempt. It is just a proclamation of the crisis and not the answer. A Capitalist government can easily manage them. Because of this, when crisis in Capitalism create Raptures, the ruling class and their ideology mechanisms creates such cabins themselves. By demanding small concessions through Capitalism without challenging it makes Capitalism even stronger. By going on this path you will not achieve a social revolution, not even a social evolution. Though there are social struggles visible on the surface, all those struggles at the end get crushed by the dominance of the Capital and the state power of the Capitalist class.
Individualism is the base for all these struggles. Capitalism doesn’t get toppled by not competing against Capitalism and by attempting various things through individual capacities. Without gaining ownerships of the manufacturing avenues by the society, asking for a relative fairness won’t challenge the existence of Capitalism. By doing these it traps the response against the crisis of Capitalism into small manageable limits by detaching them from the historical class struggles.
Lenin been conscious of these Ruptures, he created a program to change this by entering these various cabins and by engaging and through discussions with them. Instead of worshiping current situation they are in, he worked on developing their revolutionary consciousness. The tool he needed for this purpose was the Bolshevik type party. Revolutionary Party. On one hand Lenin united all the cabins created inside the ruptures through a Revolutionary Mass Movement. He created a party that took organisation leadership of them and gave them the political consciousness. The Revolutionary Party is the political organisation he created for this purpose. It was an organisation consist of professional revolutionaries and that had a sharp sense of one ideology and had a high discipline. Without such organisation, any people’s struggles in response to any crisis in Capitalism ends without changing Capitalism. At least we need political professionals even to create a plan in relation to political power.
The party is the school where such professionals are created. For us, from the experiences of the Arab spring in the Middle East, Latin America’s and Africa’s uprisings and in the recent times, the people’s struggles in Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, assures that Lenin was correct. The need for a Revolutionary party is essential. At this point in time our burning need is not the crisis in Capitalism or the radical responses in the face of that. Capitalism is at the foot of their biggest crisis in its history. The people all over the world are arriving with a determination to the ground zero of the struggle. There is a void of political organisations that can provide political guidance, create plans to obtain political power, organize and increase the quality of political awareness of these masses. That is why the contribution Lenin did in relation to the Revolutionary Part building over 100 years ago is still important to us today.