Lenin on Party Building!
Lenin was a great Marxist. His main contribution is - first, he creatively developed Marxism in a higher stage and secondly, founded a socialist system in Russia for the first time in the history of mankind. Before the socialist revolution in Russia, Marxism was considered as utopian, but Lenin practically proved that Marxism and Socialism could be turned into practice. The Socialist revolution in Russia could not have been possible without the organizational principle developed by Lenin. The Socialist system founded by Lenin in Russia developed as a worldwide system under the leadership of Stalin.
Now, the socialist system, which was established, founded in one-fifth part of the world, has fallen down. But the revolutionary theory of party building is still alive. We are convinced of it that this great weapon, Lenin's organizational principles left by Lenin would enable us not only to strengthen world communist movement but also to restore the lost socialist system in the world and make it victorious world order. To achieve these goals, communists of the whole world has no alternative other than to rebuild the communist party on the basic of Leninist organizational principles. However, such an important task is being overlooked in one or another way by the communists or revolutionaries of the whole world at present.
As founders of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism thought have made it clear repeatedly that, a revolution cannot go ahead without revolutionary theory and at the same time, having an uncompromising ideological struggle against all kinds of revisionist ideas within the communist party. We have Marxist-Leninist theory to guide the revolution ahead. Only revolutionary theory can make a revolution succeed. Basing ourselves on the Marxist-Leninist revolutionary theory, we should concentrate to organize to rebuild strong and well-disciplined party organization based on Lenin's organizational principle and worldview from proletariat perspective. Now, revolutionary communist movement has been weakened much because it has been overlooking this aspect. So, it must be our foremost responsibility to rebuild the communist movement on the basis of Leninist organizational principles.
It is a worldwide truth that many attempts have been made to revise the principles of Marxism-Leninism in the fields of philosophy and political science though no systematic theory has been put forth to revise the organizational principles of Lenin. From the very time when Lenin developed organizational principles, many attempts have been made worldwide to oppose the Leninist organizational principle and violate it in one or another way. Now, the organizational setup of the communist parties of the various countries of the world go together with the prevalence of revisionism in them that is leading the world communist movement into even more troubles. They have also been degraded from the revolutionary Lenin's organizational principle which is further weakening world communist movement. Such a weak and defensive condition of the world communist movement can be revitalized only by rebuilding the communist movement on the basis of Leninist organizational principles. So, the task of rebuilding the setup of the communist parties in revolutionary Lenin's line should be taken as a topmost task in the present world communist movement.
To rebuild the communist movement successfully in a revolutionary line, we should try to find out the challenges and problems of our movement - why the world communist movement has reached its present situation and why it is leading us to weak and defensive position. We should pay attention to this issue seriously. We must think the root cause of this declining speed of revolutionary movement to prevail the communist world. However, it is not whole problem itself; it is only one-sided and subjective aspect of the problem. Other more important aspect lies on the objective factor that is composed of the petty bourgeois or individualist mentality of the society as a whole. Without fighting to correct these aspects, we cannot change the existing condition of the communist movement as a whole. To fulfill the task and succeed, the fight should only be pressed forward based on revolutionary ideology.
Without going through the process outlined by revolutionary theory, neither we can bring a radical change in the present communist movement of the world, nor shall we be able to make the socialist revolution success.
From issues discussed above, it is obvious that the task of building party organization should be started by giving prominence to ideological tasks. Only in the theoretical basis, we can built strong communist movement all over the world. The communist movement had developed to this stage because the founder of Marxist-Leninist-Maoist thought had contributed much in the field of ideology. Now, the world communist movement has slackened because the burden of advancing ideological task has become very demanding. Therefore, in such a condition, the task of rebuilding the party and straightening the course of revolutionary movement should be started by taking the responsibility of the task of developing revolutionary ideology further.
Nepal Communist Party (Mashal)