On the Polemics of CPI (ML) Red Star
The 5th World Conference examined the controversial correspondence between CPI(ML) Red Star and the ICC of ICOR and came to the following conclusions:
The correspondence of Red Star is harmful to ICOR and to its unity. Just as every member, Red Star has the right to express its opinions and criticism, but it can only act in accordance with the fundamental documents of ICOR and in the interest of strengthening the organisation.
The preamble to the Statute of ICOR says: 'ICOR unites different parties and organizations with equal rights being very different … They have to cooperate respectfully and learn from each other for their joint struggle.' One of the most important achievements of ICOR in the years of its construction is that there never was a split. In all those years of practical cooperation and theoretical discussion, we could solve even the most complicated questions.
Red Star, however, has published about 200 pages of ICOR's internal communications. The only exception to this stream of ICOR-documents were the answers and refutations the ICC of ICOR sent.
All efforts have been made to encourage Red Star to act in accordance with the ICOR-style of work. ICOR has called upon Red Star to maintain unity and to return to the method of criticism and self-criticism.
The 5th World Conference of ICOR rejects the accusations of CPI(ML) Red Star. We trust in Monika and have just re-elected her as Main Coordinator. The ICOR maintains its open-door policy and would like to see the comrades of CPI (ML) Red Star returning to the joint active work. Comrades! Consider everything again with a revolutionary basic attitude.
We would have expected Red Star to take responsibility to attend the conference and to present its position. As they did not participate, we offer a personal discussion about this statement, among other things, for example together with comrade P. T. from Nepal.
Forward with ICOR
Onwards to Socialism!
(We need everyone!)
Unanimously adopted without abstentions