Resolution of the 5th World Conference

Resolution against the political persecution of the movement for amnesty and fundamental rights of Peru


The 5th ICOR Conference condemns the political persecution that the comrades of the MOVEMENT FOR AMNESTY AND FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS (MOVADEF) of Peru have suffered since their founding in 2009.

MOVADEF is a democratic organization recognized by the Peruvian State, which fights for the social and basic rights of the Peruvian people.

Initially, it was refused registration to participate in the elections, although it complied with all the requirements of the Peruvian electoral law. Then criminal proceedings for “terrorism” were opened, but all the criminal courts of the Peruvian judicial system did not accept this and completely acquitted MOVADEF.

We demand from the Peruvian State that it ceases the repression, detention and persecution against social leaders and popular organizations of the massive popular movement in Peru. We demand the freedom of all political and social prisoners, such as the movement opposing Dina Boluarte’s coup d’état. We are calling for the government to be condemned as responsible for more than 70 murders during the just and legal mass mobilizations of the popular movement.

We demand respect for due process for MOVADEF comrades, that they be fully acquitted, and compensation for all.

Stop the persecution in Peru!


  1. PCC-M Colombia

  2. BKP Bulgaria

  3. UMU Russia

  4. CPSA (ML) South Africa

  5. PPDS Tunisia

  6. SympPFLP Germany

  7. UoC Cyprus

  8. TKP-ML Turkey

  9. UMLP Portugal

  10. RUFN Nepal

  11. FMIN Mexico

  12. PML Peru

  13. MLGS Switzerland

  14. CPI (ML) Mass Line India

  15. NCP (Mashal) Nepal

  16. ORC Congo

  17. CPK Kenya

  18. UPML France

  19. RM Netherlands

  20. PC (ML) Dominican Republic

  21. MLKP Turkey-Kurdistan

Resolutions of the World Conference are ICOR resolutions if more than 50 percent of the attending member organizations approve them. Further organizations are cordially invited to give their signatures.