Seminar Flyer: Lenin’s Teachings Are Alive!

Seminar in Germany from 13 to 15 September 2024
“We have made the start. When, at what date and time, and the proletarians of which nation will complete this process is not important. The important thing is that the ice has been broken; the road is open, the way has been shown.”
(“Fourth Anniversary of the October Revolution,” Lenin, Collected Works, Vol. 33, p. 57)
When Lenin died 100 years ago, millions took to the streets to remember him. Workers all over the world mourned “our Lenin”. Under Lenin's leadership, in 1917 the Russian people overthrew first the tsar and then the capitalists and established the first socialist state in history. Among the first decisions of the new government were the immediate end to participation in the First World War, the right of peoples to self-determination, and equal rights for women.
The workers revered Lenin, a civil servant’s son who had become one of their own. The capitalists and supporters of the tsar hated him. They tried to assassinate him several times and unleashed a brutal civil war against the Russian people.
The capitalists would prefer it if, at most, Lenin had a place in the history books today. But anyone who really wants to fight for an end to exploitation and oppression, wars, crises and environmental destruction, cannot ignore Lenin, even today.
Lenin knew that if you want to change the world, you first have to understand it. He recognized that imperialism, which sucks the whole world dry and has so far sparked two world wars, is a dying capitalism in whose womb a socialist society is materially prepared in an all-round way. That is still true today. However, imperialism has changed. Learning from Lenin means to apply his teachings creatively to our times. At our Seminar, we will not simply discuss what Lenin wrote, we will also discuss what has changed since then and what conclusions we must draw from it.
Lenin knew that the liberation of the workers can only be the doing of the workers themselves. From Lenin and his comrades, many a Russian worker learned to read and write and to think politically. Lenin’s aim was that the cook should learn to govern the state. We invite revolutionaries from all over the world to our Seminar. And in the same way, we invite every worker, male or female, and all those actively involved in the struggle for a better future:
Come to Germany and discuss with us the significance of Lenin’s teachings for the future.
The seminar will be led by the ICC of ICOR. For each thematic block there will be up to three opening statements, each 10 to 15 minutes long. Representatives of ICOR member organizations and of the international revolutionary and working-class movement can apply to hold an opening statement or lead a thematic block.
Structure of the seminar:
Block 1: Lenin and imperialism
Block 2: Lenin’s world outlook and the dialectical method
Block 3: Lenin and proletarian internationalism
Block 4: Lenin and the struggle for national liberation
Block 5: Lenin and the youth
Block 6: Lenin – pioneer for the liberation of women
Block 7: Lenin and revolutionary party building
Block 8: Lenin and the socialist revolution
Closing plenary session
Deadline for registering for the seminar is 15 August. Please register by email to
The seminar fee (including two meals per day) is 120 euros for participants from Europe, North America, Japan and Australia, and 80 euros for participants from Africa, Asia and Latin America. Single day ticket 50 and 30 euros respectively.
Breakfast is offered and paid for separately.
Accommodation costs per night 16 and 12 euros respectively in a multi-bed room with shared shower on the same floor; 23 and 16 euros respectively in a double room or apartment with private bathroom; 19 and 13 euros respectively on an extra mattress. In cabins with shared sanitary facilities 12 and 8 euros respectively. Overnight stay in a tent 7 euros.
Single rooms are not available. If you need them, you must book accommodations outside the campsite. We can help with this.
For brigadists there are reduced rates of 50 and 30 euros respectively for the seminar, and 17 and 12 euros respectively for single days.
Donations for the preparation and conduct of the seminar via the local ICOR member organization.