Seminar "Lenin's Teachings are alive" Block 8

Socialists, get up? –Conditions of Victory

Mohamed Salad Toumi Maaroufi, 


"It would, of course, be very convenient to make history if we should only start the fight if the odds are infallibly favorable to us."


The idea of equality was the deepest and most noble motive that the mass of people had moved and still moves, whether consciously or unconsciously since the era of class injustice,

embodied by the systems of slavery and feudalism up to the specific injustices of capitalism.

The systems of slave holders and feudal rulers in their various forms on the planet, based on the processing of the soil, which had enabled rural socializability, and after inventing agriculture, and exceeding of the original societal stage of the early hunter-gatherer had created animal husbandry and the submission of human efforts, namely slaves and serfs.

However, these are the same injustices that capitalism has only expanded - whereby pretending to overcome them. Capitalism is based on

commercial, industrial, usury and banking activities.

The urban society first developed within village centers, then in cities (citizens = Bourjs in Arabic), whose inhabitants were known in European languages by the euro-centrist term ‘bourgeoisie’. They could only live based on the exploitation of paid work (theft of surplus value) and the waste of wealth of peoples (imperialism).

With regard to socialism, especially in its methodological phase, the

discovery of historical materialism and dialectical materialism that has broken with its former utopian or anarchical forms, it can be considered in relation to the idea of equality as the highest expression of the desire of humankind, a desire to make progress in social life at a higher level, whose objective conditions, by the spread of capitalist mode of production, economic regulation, had produced the new kind of social framework, a cultural, institutional and legal renewal ...

But it is still necessary

to form and refine all subjective conditions which are necessary for the creation of this new

phase of human sociability. And this is the most difficult task because it meets the sediments

incarnated at one hand by the tendency to subjugate and the other and at the other hand the tendency to accept the subjugation.

These are the remnants of the ages of class injustice that sometimes transform into traditions and customs ... and we know that – in the absence of real consciousness - customs and traditions are a second nature for individuals.

The philosophy of capitalism is based on the freedom of the human initiative and on the promotion of its efforts through the entire legislative arsenal, which is used in its favor, and the oppression exerted in its advantage, in order to allow it the financial wealth and the prey.

The most dangerous results of capitalism in this context are:

- Environmental pollution

- Provoking destructive wars

- The use of women's work is attempted to maintain their status of inferiority stemming from the heritage of patriarchal society

- The complete disregard for all intellectual and moral values

This chaos and these harms cannot be tolerated forever, so forces have emerged that fight for the termination of this injustice.

These forces are:

The union movements and political parties of workers and peasants, anti-imperialist movements and national liberation movements, the movements to liberate women. These movements are completely connected with the socialist cause.

Here one understands intuitively that the victory of socialism as a contradiction within the world in the ages of class injustices must be the fruit of a movement that has a correct historical consciousness, and fighters that are distinguished by truly revolutionary greatness, and who work with full force under all circumstances – but after studying and investigating – under all workers and generally under all the oppressed and dispossessed, without losing sight of their goal due to the conditions of struggle, and also not losing their will to eliminate the self-centered and pathological individualism as well as chauvinism and racism.

This will must constantly drive them to fight for the spread of community values based on selflessness, mutual help and love between the members of the human race.

This task may seem simple, but it is of the utmost importance and complexity in its essence. Currently this task is to equip the movement of all workers and all the oppressed in urban and rural areas with a real social, historical and political consciousness. All the influences of powerful capitalist and imperialist propaganda must be fought, which have flooded the vision of socialist thinking through radars, especially after the temporary defeat of experiences in the 20th century. The century, which unfortunately – and not as expected and announced – have opened the horizon for the return to liberalism with a new face (called neoliberalism).

For this reason, the socialist way of thinking, which builds on the achievements of science, has the duty to give up any interaction with metaphysics and their basic texts, but not to throw overboard any defense of these texts as long as the norms of science prove their validity under this or that aspect, and as long as practical experience indicates their effectiveness.

Vladimir Iljitsch Lenin said in this context:

"We do not consider the theory of Karl Marx as complete and sacrosanct. On the contrary, we are convinced that it only lays the foundation of a science that the socialists must develop in all directions if they want to follow the rhythm of life. This theory is only the general guiding principles that differ according to their specific practical application. ‘

The socialist experience of the 20th century has failed in its Soviet center, that is true, but that is a temporary defeat, due to this dogmatism and social class reasons. This failure does not mean the ultimate success of the economic, social and political capitalist model imposed and promoted by the “invisible hand of the market”. For capitalism is not able to solve the growing problems of humanity. His inability stems from the fact that his system has placed the fate of mankind in the hands of few, in the name of privatization and in the name of what is wrongly called structural adjustment (in reality is the destruction) and thus eliminates everything that was in public hands and opens the incredible enrichment of a small group of people gates and doorsteps – and this group, after the growth and expansion of monopolist policy in particular in the financial sector, has soared themselves to a ‘global financial oligarchy’.

This group of persons has discovered the so-called multinational or transnational and cross-border societies. And has deliberately carried out the geographical division of the manufacturing process in search of the cheapest labor force in this or that place in the world. They try to get peoples and individuals used to bonds and subsidies and “welfare activities!” that came from the added value of their plundering. And to remove people from autonomy and self-sufficiency and to subject them all to the power of money and debt.

Furthermore, the unfolding of the imaginary has driven this class, to use the power of robots instead of workers' muscle power by relying on highly qualified, competent and specialized engineers, as well as on artificial intelligence. This enabled her to get rid of the cost of labor and even the cost of any intelligent energy and production method, especially in agriculture, which does not serve her monopoly interests. In this context, she has arbitrarily dismissed all who they brazenly called "human overhang".

The concept of “human overhang” makes clear that the concept of the reserve army is outdated.

The working class had formed and organized in factories and other production sites, which allowed them to maintain and implement their trade union and partisan movements, and thus their role became a historical necessity to eliminate the individualistic system. But today this working class is no longer alone on this field, since besides it, there are its former allies from the rural world and new quantities of redundant victims, which, of course, are not involved in the trade unions and the traditional progressive parties, because the traditional cadres were a product of the industrial revolution, while the new masses are a product of the increasing growth of the technical revolution and their new circumstances, and there are no factories and production sites to keep their movements together and organize them. It can be said therefore, that the historical role of the working class has diminished somewhat, but by no means disappears. This forces the bearers of the socialist thought, who traditionally defended the classes of people, to consider how they can also turn to these new masses and benefit from their energies, for they also seek to overthrow the existing reality and have an excess of intelligence due to their diplomas, and are dismissed by the social capitalist organization and even against their will are pushed into the ranks of the protest.

These masses are the ones that have come in motion, e.g. during the demonstration of the “yellow vests” in Paris, in one of the advanced centers of capital, which, however, moved without proper compass and without guidance, as everyone has seen, using only for the network and organization of their movements what the means of modern communication have to provide them, and these means are the result of the technological revolution and they are their victims (this networking is a new form of organization which one needs to study and grasp)

These new social alliances must be realized in all countries, according to the requirements and their realistic situation, because without specific local roots there is no project and no movement success.

But to the extent that the alliances are anchored locally, they also have to work to establish an internationalist coordination that is becoming more and more possible with the modern development of the means of communication. This internationalist coordination should be such that it is subject to the struggles of all the oppressed, both the working and the deprived classes, as well as the peoples and nationalities and nations that are subject to the yoke of the criminal power of capital.

This coordination has become more than necessary today.

Because capitalism with its discovery of transnational corporations,

has actually created a global path that can only be resisted with internationalist cooperation.

The imperialist center represented by the globalist financial oligarchy would thus be surrounded by national democratic revolutions that cooperate and would defend within their country their rights to their property and their wealth and their historical, linguistic and cultural characteristics and also defend their political unity against globalization, which is openly trying to destroy or at least weaken, the nation state and the state in general.

This synchronization is in our time the simplest and safest way to eliminate the globalist hegemony and to reach the socialist and internationalist horizon under advanced conditions of wealth and culture.

The movements which both theoretically and practically strive to seriously and radically change the existing conditions under which the world has been set up, since the establishment of the individualistic system, cannot achieve its objectives and change the direction of human life, except by restoring the social dimension of human life, philosophically irreversible,

through the inclusion in the Constitutions and Laws and by ensuring its

entrenchment in the daily practice of all members of the human race,

in particular through the curricula and educational content, which trains

the emerging generations.

This must never lead to ignoring the individual dimension of the human being (which is of course different from the selfish and pathological individualistic dimension), or to disregard the individual's right to ingenuity and creativity, but to strengthen only the community dimension and bring the individual dimension in line with it and integrate it completely into it.

This requires an intellectual, philosophical, cultural creative and organizational process, rooted in all previous efforts since the revolutions and rebellions of slaves, poor peasants and free intellectuals seeking equality and freedom.

This process must be inspired at the same time by the “Elan of Values” that are in the spiritual systems before they are not completely ruled by the ruling classes; This process also has the task – with the aim of negating and overhauling myths and what is present there – to understand the accelerated mechanisms that the liberal organization imposes relentlessly with the means of its transformation and adaptation to all circumstances, whether they relate directly to action, or those related to the reaction when faced with those who oppose their criminal projects.

The currently dominant pathological individualistic model has humiliated the human dimension of man and was only a prominent heritage from the times of human wildness.

Therefore, it cannot continue objectively, but the efforts to stop it and overcome it cannot lead to its objectives if two subjective accompanying conditions are not fulfilled:

The first is the ability of revolutionary forces to read reality scientifically and accurately. At this stage, our task will be clear, open and unambiguous to see that this is precisely the lack of current alternative movements. As a result, these movements are sliding almost everywhere on the globe into suffocating crises. All this urgently requires the implementation a powerful cultural and moral revolution based on the values and wealth of the moral heritage of humanity, as they have been forged and led on a long way full of sacrifice, blood and suffering of the heroes of freedom and justice, and of all who have been striving for TRUTHFULNESS throughout space and time. This requires, with the aim of creating the NEW HUMAN BEING, to rein in by all means the sick ego of individuals, including the refinement and orientation of educational and legal principles in the sense of the glorification of values such as love, fraternity, mutual aid and solidarity cooperation between individuals and their like or between different peoples and nations, and to build human life on this higher basis.

The second is the possibility to find forms of support, organization and interaction that are unavoidably inspired by the previous organizational achievements and have been developed in resistance to injustices and to class rule, and in particular in modern forms that are needed in the struggle against the capitalist bourgeoisie, but with more effectiveness and durability through networking with a participatory approach and with the help of the development of modern communication methods.

This requires socialists as carriers of the project of great change, as the most unified force, who want to become soldiers for that cause:

- in the struggle for the complete democracy of the people,

- for the liberation of the peasant world from alienation that is forced upon it,

- the elimination of exploitation, marginalization and need

- the realization of the patriotic and national aspirations of the peoples oppressed by imperialism, for internationalism is here in a specific formation where it can never be (?) nationalist and patriotic.

- for resistance against any domination, whatever form, economic, linguistic or cultural, and especially if it is directed against minorities.

- for the protection of nature from its slow criminal murder by the gangs of capital,

- for the preservation of peace, which includes resistance to the aggressive and destructive wars financed by the imperialist lobbies, because they only want the arms factories and the factories to function for the so-called reconstruction.

- and for the defense of complete and actual equality between women and men, because this is the task without which no other kind of emancipation is possible.

The chain links of these currently relatively scattered battles must all be united in the crucible of the global battle: the battle for the liberation of humankind from all factors of its alienation and humiliation, and this struggle is necessarily the fundamental battle of socialism.