We learn from Lenin's engagement with Marxism
Dear comrades,
Lenin was a Marxist. In the 20th century, he was a communist leader who deeply influenced all revolutionary leaders after him with his thoughts and actions. So much so that in the 20th century Marxism was also known as "Marxism Leninism" with Lenin's name added. And the Great October Revolution, the glorious work of Lenin and the Bolshevik Party, left its mark on the entire 20th century.
How did Lenin achieve all this, where is the secret?
This question invites us to understand Lenin's relation to Marxism, i.e. "Lenin's Marxism"; it leads us to the idea of the "topicality of the revolution" that underlies his thought and action, his entire ideological and political existence.
Lenin was the best, unwaveringly loyal and wonderfully creative student of Marx and Engels. Lenin distinguishes between Marx's analyses or theoretical conclusions and ideas on various topics and problems and the Marxist method.
"Dialectical and historical materialism" is the method of Marxism. In Lenin's Marxism the "method of Marxism" comes first and is always at the centre of attention. He always favoured the Marxist method and adherence to the Marxist method.
Lenin "reads", analyses and draws conclusions by placing Marxist theoretical or political ideas on war, the national question, etc. in the context of their formation and historical development. This is already a requirement and a field of application of the Marxist method. He does not content himself with "repeating" Marxist ideas, defending them in a "faithful" manner, but develops them by preserving their internal coherence and integrity, by giving them qualities that will respond to current revolutionary needs. Lenin's engagement with the ideas of Marxism is not static, passive, limited, frozen, but lively, dynamic, fluid and creative.
Lenin's study of Marxism goes hand in hand with a rigorous critical revolutionary analysis of the approaches and positions, methods and conclusions reached by his contemporaries who claimed Marxism. The struggle against the corruption and distortion of Marxism and opportunism never falls off the agenda.
A distinctive line of Lenin's engagement with Marxism that should be particularly noted is his understanding of Marxism as "a guide to action". This explains why Lenin devoted all his theoretical work to the vital revolutionary problems of the historical period in which he was acting.
He exposed aspects of Marxism that had been forgotten or distorted by opportunists, such as the theory of the state, revolutionary violence, internationalism, he updated the Marxist theory of revolution, he applied Marxism perfectly to the problems of his time. He re-established the revolutionary international.
Lenin did not reconstruct Marxism, but he succeeded in revealing and applying the revolutionary essence of Marxism in a way that would respond to the revolutionary needs of his epoch.
Dear comrades,
Lenin developed his analysis of the highest and last stage of capitalism, "monopoly capitalism" and formulated the theoretical prediction that monopoly capitalism, on the basis of national monopolies, unites the world economy and all countries in the imperialist system like links in a chain, and that the revolution can take place in one or several countries in the weakest links of the imperialist chain. The law of uneven and leapfrog development of capitalism, which is exacerbated in the stage of imperialism, makes this possible. He succeeded in breaking with and transcending the obsolete revolutionary theory of the Second International that the revolution can take place in the countries where the productive forces, culture, etc. are most developed.
At the very centre of Lenin's thought is the truth of the topicality of the revolution, and he looked at all the important developments of his epoch through the projection of the topicality of the revolution. Communists of all countries today must also be guided by the truth of the topicality of the revolution.
characterised by the complete domination of international monopolies, the largest of which are the world monopolies, over the integrated world market in production, trade and the export of capital, the globalisation of the production process, speculative capital gaining a prominent position in the total capital movement, international monopolies and imperialist states engaged in a fierce competition over the world market and a struggle for the redistribution of the world on the basis of this competition, neo-colonialism being transformed into a more severe form of subjugation, financial-economic colonialism.
The globalisation of the production process, characterised by the complete domination of international monopolies, the largest of which are the world monopolies, over the integrated world market in production, trade and the export of capital, in which speculative capital gains a prominent position in the total movement of capital, Today, when international monopolies and imperialist states are engaged in a fierce competition over the world market and a struggle to redivide the world on the basis of this competition, when neo-colonialism has been transformed into a more severe form of subjugation, financial-economic colonialism, world capitalism with these distinctive features has reached a stage of imperialism, the stage of imperialist globalisation.
As the revolutionary programme defines it, under conditions of imperialist globalisation, revolutions can break out in the weakest link or links of the imperialist chain, making regional revolutions possible. The same situation matures the objective conditions for the transformation of revolutions in individual countries into regional revolutions and waves of world revolution, and strengthens the possibility of revolutions triggering each other in many countries.
The Marxist Leninist communists have undertaken the task of unearthing and updating the programme and strategy of communist history to unite the peoples of the Balkans, the Caucasus, etc. in regional federations of the dictatorship of the proletariat under the leadership of the revolutionary proletariat, as well as the goal of the Third International of a "world federation of the dictatorship of the proletariat".
Marx and Engels formulated the slogan "Workers of all countries unite" in the Communist Manifesto at the time of the foundation of Marxism. This slogan was in accordance with the historical process of the establishment of scientific socialism. Lenin "politicised" this slogan under the conditions of his time; he raised the slogan "Workers of All Countries and Oppressed Peoples Unite", which would leave its mark on the 20th century. And he laid the foundations of the revolutionary strategy defined by this slogan.
Today, we Marxist-Leninist communists, following in the revolutionary footsteps of Lenin and the Third International, have developed the slogan "Workers of All Countries and Oppressed Peoples Unite"; we believe that we have updated Lenin's revolutionary stance and line in the conditions of the imperialist globalisation phase of monopoly capitalism and the existential crisis of capitalism.
At the turn of 1989-90, with the dissolution and collapse of the modern revisionist USSR and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact, the world bourgeoisie declared that it had won the "Cold War" and declared the "end of history". A tremendous wave of reaction and despair spread all over the world. Liquidationist ideological dissolution and surrender within the revolutionary and communist movement were decisive developments. In this process, liquidationism, ideological and organisational crisis surrounded the revolutionary, national revolutionary and communist movement in the world, in short, the world communist movement entered a process of structural crisis.
The failure of the communist vanguard and leadership claim to meet with the waves of popular revolts, mass strikes and general strikes that fermented in the last decade
The failure of the communist vanguard and leadership to meet the waves of popular uprisings, mass strikes and general strikes that have been brewing in the last decade points to the reality of the structural crisis of the world communist movement.
The revolting peoples are not orientated towards overthrowing the political domination of the bourgeoisie and taking power. Today, the "world communist movement" lacks ideological and organisational unity, and its links with the working class movement, popular movements and uprisings are very weak. However, there is no doubt that the communist vanguards and leaderships of the 21st century will rise from the working class movement and popular movements and uprisings in a firmly connected manner and from these struggles themselves.
Dear Comrades,
Marxist Leninist communists in Turkey and Kurdistan have been advancing in the line of overcoming the structural crisis in the period of several decades, starting from the Unity Revolution, which they realised with the claim of reversing the process of divisions and fragmentations that the international communist movement itself had experienced from the '60s to the '90s.
The topicality of Lenin's thought means, first and foremost, focusing on the revolutionary solution of the structural crisis. This is a set of tasks which, under the present historical conditions, encompasses the problems of revolutionary theory, programme, strategy and revolutionary organisation. The world communist movement will undoubtedly rely on revolutionary experiences, but under the present historical and actual conditions it must find its own path. Here the greatest guarantee for the world communists is to rely unshakably on the Marxist method, like Lenin, and to develop the ability to apply it, to operationalise Marxism as a guide to action.
Establishing equal relations between Marxist-Leninist parties and organisations is the basis for the development of revolutionary cooperation and revolutionary international relations. The experience of the 20th century confirms this.
It should be clear to everyone that ranks on the basis of theoretical differences will not serve the development of the struggle for revolution and socialism in the world. Today, despite theoretical and ideological differences, the parties, organisations and circles claiming Marxism and socialism in a politically revolutionary orientation, forming anti-imperialist, anti-fascist regional or international unions, increasing their political effectiveness in the international arena by supporting the struggles and uprisings of the working class and peoples in coordination, and their ideological-theoretical interactions on this ground are the basis for the development of the III. International based on the revolutionary traditions and achievements of the Third International will feed the construction of a new revolutionary international and the process of emerging from the structural crisis.
The idea of the vanguard party, which had risen throughout the world at the beginning of the 20th century and during the first half of the 20th century, then entered a process of decline and decline and fell into decline with the dissolution and collapse of the modern revisionist bureaucratic CPSU, which stood at the centre of the modern revisionist system, from its national joints in the period '89-91.
Today, in raising the revolutionary class consciousness of the proletariat, it is of particular importance to raise and update Lenin's doctrine of the vanguard party and to carry it to the working class and labouring masses.
The world has entered a stormy period. Revolutionaries must be ready for the coming storm. The first task before the communists of all countries is to build vanguard parties with a revolutionary theory and programme, whose organisational structure is based on an illegal basis, who recognise and accept all forms of struggle emerging from the class struggle and whose backbone is formed by dedicated revolutionaries.
The Republic of Turkey, which colonised Northern Kurdistan and Northern Cyprus and pursues an expansionist, occupying and openly imperialist policy in the Balkans, Caucasus, Middle East and North Africa, is a multinational state.
In a multinational state like ours, the "united revolution" is the surest path to victory.
For Marxist Leninist Communists who struggle for the liberation of the working class, the solutions developed by Lenin and the October Revolution on national questions are the only key to realising the class unity of the proletariat on the basis of international revolutionary class consciousness. And we are well aware that this requires an unremitting struggle against the chauvinism and social-chauvinism of the ruling nation.
In the 20th century, big-nation chauvinism and national narrow-mindedness, which were one of the main causes of the struggles that erupted between the socialist countries and communist parties, caused great damage to the struggle of the world proletariat for socialism and ...
Today, when inter-imperialist contradictions are sharpening, armament and militarism are on the rise, signs that suggest that the danger of a new imperialist war of division is growing, and neo-fascist movements are growing, the tasks of fighting social-chauvinism and raising revolutionary internationalism are the necessities of walking in the footsteps of Lenin and of revolutionary preparation. Let us never forget the lesson that a new world war of division and the rise of new fascism can only be prevented by the development of revolutionary struggles and revolutions.
In the phase of imperialist globalisation, revolution is topical and the future of humanity depends more than ever on the revolutionary action of the proletariat. The revolutionary proletariat will shape the future and destiny of humanity and the planet. The possibilities of the proletariat to unite around itself against the bourgeoisie the non-proletarian oppressed and exploited working layers of the population, oppressed nations and national communities, women as the oppressed sex, suppressed communities of religious beliefs, oppressed sexual orientations have strengthened. Only by embracing and supporting the emancipatory demands of the oppressed against imperialism and capitalism, patriarchy, colonialism and fascism can the communist vanguard of the proletariat draw them into the line of struggle for political liberation and social revolution.
The programme of the revolutionary proletariat is the programme of humanity, from the struggle for women's liberation and women's revolution to the ecological destruction that threatens the existence of the planet and humanity.The programme of the revolutionary proletariat has the consciousness and will to play its historical role in solving all the problems of humanity and building a new civilisation, from the women's liberation struggle and women's revolution to the ecological destruction that threatens the existence of the planet and humanity.
Workers and oppressed of all countries unite!
Long live revolutionary internationalism!
Long live revolution and socialism!